flag of america
6 mins 2 weeks

Corrupt Supreme Court Betraying The Rule Of Law In America

I have always said beware of those that dress up in uniforms, as they hide their true human failings behind them. SCOTUS has again proven this truism. These partisan justices cloaked in their black robes are failing the most basic applications of the law. Corrupt Supreme Court betraying the rule of law in America, as they consider the Trump claim of presidential immunity over election interference in the 2020 race. The US system of administration, which puts these 9 men and women at the very top of the judicial tree is dependent upon their decisions as final arbiters.

democracy featured Government latest post politics
white windmill
6 mins 1 mth

Conservative Media Always Being Negative About Renewables

Have you ever read a positive article about renewable energy published in the Murdoch newspapers or on their networks, like Sky News Australia or Fox News? No? Why is that I wonder? Why do they consistently belittle and denigrate all efforts to transition to this cost effective and potentially planet saving technology? How is the conservative media always being negative about renewables helping the nation and the world? Where is the balance in their reporting and editorial policy on energy matters? Unless you are a complete idiot you have to see that something is going on here. Something underhanded and definitely not in the interest of the country and its people. Greedy men more interested in their wealth than the nation being smart for the benefit of the many.

democracy featured Government history latest post politics
President Trump Postlaunch Remarks (NHQ202005300037)
8 mins 1 mth

Trump The Bible Salesman: The End Must Be Nie

Donald Trump is selling $60 bibles to the American public. If you wanted to witness the lowest point of this saga and American popular culture this is pretty close. This guy has no shame because he has a complete absence of integrity in the first place. Trump would sell his own mother if there was a buck in it. He cheats at golf, constantly, which defeats the whole purpose of playing the game. Trump the bible salesman: The end must be nie. The United States of America has become an international laughing stock.

democracy featured latest post politics


6 mins 6 mths

Why Wealthy White People Won’t Share?

Following the failure of the Voice to Parliament referendum for Indigenous Australians some folks are wondering why. Why wealthy white people won’t share? I mean, after all these many years why keep the boot on the throat? Why deny constitutional recognition to First Nations people? Well, it is always about money and power. It is not mere racism alone but that in combination with their pragmatic interests. Certain wealthy people, many of them involved in the mining industry did not want any more power vested in Aboriginal voices in this nation. Treaties and things like this invariably cost money for those doing business in Australia.

photo of head bust print artwork

Are You Using Your Brain Power For Better?

6 mins 8 mths

Ask yourself – are you using your brain power for better? In all honesty, are you truly utilising the tools you have been given in this lifetime? Take a moment to evaluate your life up until now. Spend some time in introspection and ask the question of yourself. The funny and awful thing about life is that it can suddenly be taken away or key aspects of it can. Whatever your age, the onus is on all of us to make it count. It is too easy to get stuck in a rut.

consciousness featured latest post mind
paper cutouts on a blue surface
9 mins 12 mths

The Whale Watcher: Barfing About Blubber

Watching The Whale I was struck by several insights into the issues raised by this film. Firstly, by how un-American this movie was. Where were all the beautiful people? American celluloid and TV is, generally, characterised by a smug self-confidence with everybody sensing that they are the bee’s knees. The Whale watcher: Barfing about blubber. Holding up a mirror to a nation with a massive obesity problem is not normal fare on American screens. The clever use of intertextuality with that god awful American novel Moby Dick called attention to the theatrical roots of this production. The play/movie grappled with those age old American themes so densely inculcated within Moby Dick. God, religious belief, and questions of morality fill the pages of the great American novel. If you have ever attempted to read Moby Dick, the actual white whale is rarely sighted within its pages, rather Melville subjects readers to endless tracts on earnest searches for meaning within the Christian paradigm. It is a book that tries too hard to be morally deep and meaningful.

featured identity latest post literature
flag of australia
6 mins 1 yr

Robodebt: What The Royal Commission Revealed

If institutional injustice makes you mad this episode had it in spades. Robodebt: What the Royal Commission revealed to us. A government and a bunch of ministers who saw themselves as ‘welfare cops’, with a duty to shake down the most vulnerable among us. Without fear or favour these sheriffs took on pensioners, disabled Australians, and those down on their luck. They applied income averaging to make it look like these people on the bones of their arse were rorting the system. It played well to those who are always looking for someone to blame for their own financial frustrations.

economics latest post media morality politics
Scott Morrison at Press Club
7 mins 1 yr

The Royal Commission Into The Robodebt Scheme

The tendency for human beings to kick another whist he or she is down is not a well known Christian practice but perhaps it should be. The Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme, currently underway, reveals a religious zeal by the ministers responsible in hammering this automated debt collection program home. This is despite the Robodebt scheme being understood by government lawyers to be illegal. Scott Morrison, a proud Christian and the minister responsible at its inception had no qualms about using income averaging to impose large debts upon the poorest and most vulnerable among the Australian community.

Trump should be in jail
8 mins 1 yr

Trump Should Be In Jail

The proposition that Trump should be in jail is supported by many millions of people around the world. Ex-President Donald Trump has broken so many laws over so many years it is astounding that he has avoided successful prosecution for so long. The more I watch the circus that is the US political system and its coverage by the media the clearer the state of play in America is. Wealth and power make individuals seemingly above the law in the US. The great democracy is a joke really, a bad joke at the expense of those who lack the material prerequisites for immunity from prosecution.

a man in blue jacket wearing sunglasses
12 mins 1 yr

The Rise Of Cybercrime: The Widening Gap Between Rich and Poor

The rise of cybercrime: The widening gap between rich and poor is in direct correlation. We have been warned that the continuing divide and expanding inequality within our societies will spawn a violent breakdown of law and order. The proliferation of scams and identity theft is the forerunner of this societal upheaval. Scammers and hackers depend upon there being plenty of dissatisfied folk ready to cross the line to better their lot. If we continue to allow the wealthy to feather their nests, at the expense of the majority, via manipulation of our democratic governments things are only going to get worse.

economics featured latest post
empty cathedral hall
10 mins 1 yr

George Pell Is Dead

Ding dong the witch is dead! Cardinal George Pell has fallen from this mortal coil. George Pell is dead. A convicted sex offender, who was later released from prison after having his conviction quashed by the High Court. Where there is smoke, however, there is usually fire. Pell had been the hard man of conservative Catholic values over many decades in high office within the church. He had overseen a period of revelation within this religious institution. The Catholic Church in Australia and elsewhere was revealed to be a sewer of sexual perversion and exploitation of innocent children.

featured latest post morality
paper map of australia placed on wall
20 mins 1 yr

Australia Has Set The Bar Too Low

Australia has set the bar too low, when it comes to societal expectations around things like civic responsibility. Decades of neoliberalism infecting our governments on both sides of politics has seen a huge slide in respect for the role of government in managing our social contract. The late Kerry Packer was lionised for his tough talk to the senate on tax minimisation and its merits in Australian life. We now face an impending tax revenue crisis, as corporations continue to dodge their taxation responsibilities through clever accounting practices. Wealthy Australians think that it is OK to avoid paying tax wherever they can. Packer told his audience that smart people don’t pay tax where possible and that government’s waste their money anyway. This has become an established narrative in the Aussie cultural canon.

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hands holding an american flag
7 mins 1 yr

The Real State of Democracy In America

Democracy has long been lauded in the United States of America – Home of the Free etc etc. The reality of the situation, however, has been revealed over the last 5 years during the Trump ascendancy. The American political framework is full of holes, which have been effectively exploited by the Russians and local vested interests. The idea of democracy endures as something wonderful but in practice falls way short. The real state of democracy in America is only partially subscribed to by the country’s population.

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a kid protesting against the war in ukraine
11 mins 1 yr

People Have Discovered Ukraine

Many people have discovered Ukraine for the first time since the invasion by Russia at the beginning of this year 2022. In a perverted sense they could thank Mr Putin for the catalyst in making this so but this would not be entirely accurate. This is because the invasion of Ukraine really began in 2014 and this did not stop the World Cup being held in Russia in 2018. The world took little notice of the earlier incursions and annexations of Ukrainian territory, which obviously encouraged Mr Putin to go the whole hog, so to speak. This time, however, the USA freed from Trump and the European Union were galvanised to take action in the form of more far reaching sanctions and military aid to Ukraine. Still, Ukraine was for many a far flung place in the east of which little was known.

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flag of australia
13 mins 2 yrs

Conflicts Of Interest In Australia

Australia has been locked into a cycle of inaction around the major issues facing the nation. Manipulation of the political system by vested interests on climate change and inequality has seen little progress achieved on these important matters affecting the nation. Conflicts of interest in Australia are entrenched within media and government. A lack of transparency around political influence within the two party preferred system remains the elephant in the room. On top of this, the loudest voice in the room via media interest is the Murdoch news organisation with its monopoly of newspapers across the land. Murdoch is a rabid right wing media mogul, as seen by the content on his Fox News and Sky News Australia TV networks. Objective coverage of the news is so far from what viewers get via the Murdoch press it would be laughable if it wasn’t such a serious concern for the country.

The Liar in the Lodge
3 mins 2 yrs

A Farewell Letter to Scott Morrison

I thought that I should write one last time to you on the marking of your defeat and loss of office. A farewell letter to Scott Morrison on behalf of the nation and myself. I will not be sorry to see the last of your smug, self-satisfied face from my TV screen. Nearly 9 years of your white bread, misogynistic government has been damaging to my own life and Australia’s reputation. Your head in the sand stance on global warming has endangered lives and put back the nation a decade. You have decimated the once broad church of the Liberal Party and led its shift to the irrelevant hard right fringes of Australian political life.

red framed eyeglasses on newspapers
3 mins 2 yrs

Out Of Touch Australian Media

The results of the recent federal election surprised an out of touch Australian media. The success of the Greens and the Teal tidal wave bowled over a largely conservative media in this country. The ABC has been cowed by 9 years of LNP governments and their threats to gut their organisation. Those who make up the members of the Australian media are largely conservative in their own views and professional behaviour. The Greens were pretty much ignored by the mainstream media in the lead up to this election. The Teal independents were challenged on their status by a media driven by conservative attitudes and strategies.

man holding container with smoke
12 mins 2 yrs

Why Did God Bother Us?

There we were minding our own business and suddenly folks were hearing voices inside their heads. Why did god bother us? According to the stories you had blokes building bloody big boats and others threatening to murder their own kids, all in the name of some so-called divine source. Human beings had journeyed for billions of years from single cell entities to multicellular, then, to mammals to primates, but of course were not equipped to remember such deep time events. So we made up stories to populate our own shallow-time historical concerns with important people and a god to top it all off with.

a man holding a tablet
9 mins 2 yrs

Who Will You Vote For on May 21?

The Australian federal election has finally been called for May 21. Who will you vote for on May 21? Aussies are now gearing up to make a big decision. For some it will be a no brainer. For others it will be an unwanted hassle to go where they would rather not bother. The media will move into overdrive with reality TV like coverage of a personality competition at the top of their agenda. Elections soon become beauty contests and tests of personal charisma. The psychology of these races pit one candidate against another in a bid to become a nation’s leader. The disinterested voters generally choose the least offensive or the one who fits their type somewhere in the mist of imprinted archetypal strongmen or women.

Volodymyr Zelensky
6 mins 2 yrs

The Actors On Our Political Stage

Some people were surprised to find out that Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was originally a comedienne/actor. In reality, however, all modern politicians are more actor than statesman. The actors on our political stage, our wearing their hi viz garb for every photo opportunity. The ubiquity […]

Far right protesters Melbourne
7 mins 2 yrs

The Right Side is Wrong

The terms right wing and left wing have become entrenched in today’s political narrative. Historically, the terms have come down to us from the time of the French Revolution in 1789. The aristocracy sat on the right-hand side of the presiding officer. The Third Estate […]

photo of woman with stethoscope hanging on the back of her neck
3 mins 3 yrs

Not Another Epidemiologist on My Screen

The global pandemic has exhausted me, and I suspect I am not alone on this score. If I see another daily press conference featuring a Premier or PM I just might scream. If I was not so dead set against guns and violence, I might just do something desperate. Perhaps I could adapt the concept to my principles and attack a bush with a water pistol or something equally insane. Please oh please not another epidemiologist on my screen, as much as they are doing fine work for the community I must look away.

3 mins 3 yrs

Will Covid Sars-2 Prove to Be Our Dinosaur Extinction Moment?

As I sit here heading into another Covid lockdown, this time from the Delta variant, I ponder about our future. Will Covid Sars-2 prove to be our dinosaur extinction moment? Will the Homo sapien’s story end here at the hands of a virus. Perhaps a virus engineered in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, which was funded by American corporate interests. It all sounds like a scenario drawn from the pages of an airport bookstore thriller. However, over 4 million people have lost their lives from this pandemic and deaths are not slowing up anytime soon.

Sacred Chef Secrets & Recipes by Sudha Hamilton
17 mins 3 yrs

Microbiome and Humans

‘Microbiome’ – Micro meaning very small – Bio meaning life – Me meaning you or me. Remember this term because it is going to become better recognised as an important factor in human health and our longevity. Human microbiome is defined as the collection of genes found in all microbes residing within us – basically all the bacteria, fungi, viruses, and microorganisms inhabiting our bodies. ‘Microbiota’, another term, refers to all microorganisms inhabiting a particular environment like the gut. There are many trillions of these microscopic entities residing in our human gastrointestinal tract, on our skin, and most places. Long have we ignored this micro-environment and rather focused on larger, more readily seen matters, possibly to the detriment of our health and understanding of life. Remember that microbes have been around for a lot longer than we have (billions of years) and are easily the most successful life forms on this planet.  In the current climate, with a global viral pandemic ravaging the world, we are all suddenly more aware of the micro-realm. Indeed, our awareness of microbiome greatly increased around 2002, when gene sequencing technology became available to identify microbes and their influence. Following this there has been a huge explosion in the study of microbiome and humans.

featured health
human skeleton model
10 mins 3 yrs

Consciousness: Free Will and Cellular Facts

We are all born into this life without our consent. Nobody asks us whether we would like to play the game of life in human form. Observing the unfocused gaze of a newborn babe one witnesses a magical tabula rasa moment. Consciousness is, it seems, at its earliest manifestation, the state of the watcher. A baby observes via its eyes and visual sensory apparatus within the brain. We, as human beings are made up of many trillions of human cells. There are 200 different types of cells within the body and none of these are individually conscious or sentient. Consciousness: Free will and cellular facts tell a story that is wildly divergent from the narratives derived from religion and lore.

featured health latest post
8 mins 3 yrs

Why We Abuse the Elderly

In Australia, we have just completed a Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Some people were shocked at the findings, which emerged out of this enquiry. More than 10, 500 submissions and the testimony of 600 witnesses were considered during the two years it ran. Elderly Australians have been abused, drugged into submission and treated abhorrently according to the evidence provided to the commission. The rights of those in aged care have been sorely neglected and transgressed over many decades here in Australia within the current federally run system. It is time to ask ourselves why we abuse the elderly and why we allow this abuse to go on unchecked despite countless reviews into the current system for aged care?

ageing featured latest post
man with professional camera filming outdoors
10 mins 4 yrs

The Art of Blogging

I want to make a confession first up, which is that I hate the word blog and all its extensions – blogging, blogger, blogged and blogs. Short for ‘web log’ apparently, blog, is an ugly word let’s face it. It sounds to me like a colloquial term fit for acts of defecation. Thus, the art of blogging is akin to a ballerina farting loudly throughout a performance of the Nutcracker Suite. OK got that off my chest. I wonder who came up with the term in the first place? I Googled it and according to a Wikipedia entry ‘weblog’ was so named by one Jom Barger in 1997 and one Peter Merholz reduced the two words to ‘blog’ in 1999 via a phrase posted on his blog. Now you know.

content writing featured latest post
6 mins 6 yrs

RIP Anthony Bourdain

When I was asked to write something about the recent passing of celebrity chef and raconteur, Anthony Bourdain, I realised that he had been a part of my own culinary journey. His death by suicide, whilst shocking, does fit with the narrative contained within his first book. I received, Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, his breakout bestselling memoir, as a birthday present from my mother. It was a surprising choice and an equally surprising success. The book lifted the lid on the squalid and steamy underworld of commercial kitchens in the United States. Personally, I had been rattling the pans in restaurant kitchens for nearly 20 years, prior to the publication of Kitchen Confidential in 2000. Commercial kitchens, I suspect, are pretty similar around the globe, especially in western cities like New York, Sydney and London. RIP Anthony Bourdain.

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flag of america
6 mins 2 weeks

Corrupt Supreme Court Betraying The Rule Of Law In America

I have always said beware of those that dress up in uniforms, as they hide their true human failings behind them. SCOTUS has again proven this truism. These partisan justices cloaked in their black robes are failing the most basic applications of the law. Corrupt Supreme Court betraying the rule of law in America, as they consider the Trump claim of presidential immunity over election interference in the 2020 race. The US system of administration, which puts these 9 men and women at the very top of the judicial tree is dependent upon their decisions as final arbiters.

democracy featured Government latest post politics
white windmill
6 mins 1 mth

Conservative Media Always Being Negative About Renewables

Have you ever read a positive article about renewable energy published in the Murdoch newspapers or on their networks, like Sky News Australia or Fox News? No? Why is that I wonder? Why do they consistently belittle and denigrate all efforts to transition to this cost effective and potentially planet saving technology? How is the conservative media always being negative about renewables helping the nation and the world? Where is the balance in their reporting and editorial policy on energy matters? Unless you are a complete idiot you have to see that something is going on here. Something underhanded and definitely not in the interest of the country and its people. Greedy men more interested in their wealth than the nation being smart for the benefit of the many.

democracy featured Government history latest post politics
President Trump Postlaunch Remarks (NHQ202005300037)
8 mins 1 mth

Trump The Bible Salesman: The End Must Be Nie

Donald Trump is selling $60 bibles to the American public. If you wanted to witness the lowest point of this saga and American popular culture this is pretty close. This guy has no shame because he has a complete absence of integrity in the first place. Trump would sell his own mother if there was a buck in it. He cheats at golf, constantly, which defeats the whole purpose of playing the game. Trump the bible salesman: The end must be nie. The United States of America has become an international laughing stock.

democracy featured latest post politics
men standing over an open hatch of a submarine
10 mins 2 mths

Hugh White Hoists Up AUKUS White Flag

Australia has a lousy record when it comes to submarines. It seems submarines bring out the worst in our defence force and our national security aspirations. Hugh White hoists up AUKUS white flag in recent essay. Emeritus Professor of Strategic Studies at ANU, Hugh White knows a thing or two about this topic and Australian national security capabilities. Younger Aussies may not remember our ongoing challenges with the Collins class submarines. They may not be au fait with our dalliance with the French in regard to supplying us with submarines pre-AUKUS. The Japanese were in the running there for a while too. Basically, submarines and Australia have a perpetually sinking relationship, it seems.

democracy economics featured Government latest post politics
16 mins 2 mths

Private Wealth Vs The Public Good

Life in Australia, a centrist Westminster democracy, and a mixed economy of both planned and free markets has always been a balance between private wealth and the public good. Today, however, we are seeing the uneven fruits of imbalance in the housing sector in particular. Ever since John Howard brought in the capital gains tax discount some 30 odd years ago – inflation in the residential property market has run riot. It has now reached an apogee of unaffordability for many Australians, most of them younger and losing the aspirational dream of home ownership in their lifetimes. Private wealth vs the public good – tough conversations need to be had to address the severe problems around this matter.

democracy economics featured Government latest post morality politics
flag of america
8 mins 2 mths

Supreme Court Fails America & The Rule Of Law

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has failed to uphold the rule of law when it comes to the insurrectionist actions of Donald Trump. It is a pretty worrying situation when the highest court in the land plays politics over upholding the constitutional laws of the land. Supreme Court fails America and the rule of law. America has ended up with an activist conservative majority of justices, who are hellbent on protecting Donald Trump by hook or by crook. These 5 guys have been placed in positions of unassailable power, at great expense to those with vested interests, to ensure that Republican endorsed values and politics get the nod.

democracy featured Government politics
Supermarket png clipart illustration, transparent
24 mins 2 mths

The Financialization Of Essentials

During a cost of living crisis, which many in the world are now experiencing, it is easier to get in touch with the essentials necessary for living. Food, shelter, and energy are the essential ingredients for survival in our modern worlds. The financialization of essentials by capitalism is proving to be at cross purposes for those trying to survive in a cost of living crisis. What do I mean by this? The march toward a consumer society has meant that all these basic requirements of life are things you have to buy. Few of us go out and dig up or hunt for our food these days. Putting a roof over our head is an expensive purchase in the 21C. Plus, all of our devices and vehicles run on forms of energy which we have to buy. Neoliberalism promised to make things easier and cheaper for all in this regard but has manifestly failed to do so. We were told that if governments got out of the way and let private enterprise do what it’s best at we would all be much better off. Thirty years of this, ‘the market knows best’ ethos, has placed at least a third of working Australians in dire straits when it comes to affording the basics of life. Neoliberal economic policies have failed us in every essential market.

economics featured Government latest post morality politics
church interior
7 mins 3 mths

Anti-Science Trend Happening Within Conservative Movements

In the US, we are seeing the continuing power grab by extreme Christian Republicans in the recent IVF ruling by the Supreme Court of Alabama. This forms part of an anti-science trend happening within conservative movements, which first came to prominence during the Covid pandemic in America. People clinging to their beliefs in a Bronze Age God rather than following 21C scientific public health protocols. The GOP mined this protest against such things as vaccinations and mask wearing as grist for their politics of grievance. The US Supreme Courts discounting of Roe vs Wade has opened the door for more extreme demands by state based Republicans on the issue of women’s rights vs that of unborn foetuses.

democracy featured Government history latest post morality politics
close up shot of australian dollar
14 mins 3 mths

Supermarkets Making Super Profits In Australia

Coles has some 8, 000 suppliers providing the supermarket lines they sell to their customers. Woolworths is in a similar situation re-numbers of suppliers. Supermarkets making super profits in Australia are hitting the news for all the wrong reasons. The nation is in the midst of a 2 year cost of living crisis with high inflation having stripped the savings from the working poor. A Four Corner’s expose shown on the ABC has shone a stark light on the state of play in our supermarket sector. Coles and Woolworths have some 65% of the grocery market share – this is a powerful duopoly, which puts all the advantages in their corner. Farmers supplying the duopoly are being squeezed into submission economically, as are many other suppliers of their grocery lines.

economics featured Government latest post morality politics
Vladimir Putin
4 mins 3 mths

Is Peter Dutton Trying To Be Australia’s Putin?

Dutton is back on the border issue blaming a weak PM for a boat load of refugees on our northern border. Is Peter Dutton trying to be Australia’s Putin?  Making out that he is the strongman of the Oceana region; keeping us safe from a few desperate people in search of a better life. Immediately, he is finger pointing at the bad guys – the people smugglers. This is the ‘out’ for locking up these vulnerable human beings in offshore detention. Australians are punishing the bad guys and not just the refugees – although it is them who pay the price of their liberty for who knows how long.

featured latest post politics