
Torrent is ranked 24,332 in Australia. 'Torrent.CD - New torrents.'

24,332Rank in Australia

17,943Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed2,178,698
Monthly visits 457,113
Value per visitor$0.14
Estimated worth$267,457.57
External links1,373
Number of pages--

Last Updated: 04/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries11.00%9.60%
Italy 1,818 12.20%15.30%
Slovakia 2,876 1.40%1.50%
Belgium 4,915 2.40%1.70%
Romania 5,256 1.60%2.00%
Pakistan 6,695 3.00%3.20%
Israel 7,171 0.60%0.80%
Netherlands 8,437 2.60%1.80%
Greece 8,912 1.00%0.90%
Egypt 8,989 0.70%0.50%
Bangladesh 9,590 0.70%0.80%
Mexico 9,728 2.40%2.30%
Philippines 10,049 1.20%1.00%
India 10,460 13.80%17.00%
United Kingdom 10,551 4.10%4.30%
Spain 10,632 3.20%2.90%
Sweden 10,874 0.80%1.60%
Portugal 11,197 0.70%0.60%
Japan 11,400 7.00%5.70%
Canada 12,257 2.40%2.30%
Malaysia 13,008 0.90%0.60%
Switzerland 13,846 0.60%0.50%
Indonesia 14,830 1.30%1.80%
Brazil 15,472 3.10%2.20%
South Africa 15,659 0.70%0.60%
Poland 16,484 1.40%1.90%
France 17,651 3.30%2.60%
Austria 17,681 0.60%0.40%
Argentina 20,621 0.50%0.40%
United States 21,200 10.20%10.10%
Australia 24,332 0.80%0.70%
Turkey 29,154 0.70%0.50%
Germany 54,121 1.50%1.10%
Russia 78,242 0.90%0.60%
China 154,388 0.60%0.40%

Visitors come from the countries, Israel, Pakistan, Romania, Belgium, Slovakia & Italy.

Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank15,078 -7,727
Daily Visitors26,964+46%
Daily Visitors Rank11,777 -6,359
Daily Pageviews31,358+44%
Daily Pageviews Rank32,417 -16,498
Pageviews Per User1.63 -1.81%

On average 1.63 pages are viewed each, by the estimated 29,484 daily visitors.

Server Location
Hosting Solutions Ltd.
Luhans'ka Oblast'
48.56705, 39.31706

Its local IP address is There are 4 DNS records, such as,, & The server is hosted by Hosting Solutions Ltd (Luhans'ka Oblast', Luhans'k.)


PING www. ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from . ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 149 ms
64 bytes from . ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 149 ms
64 bytes from . ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=52 149 ms
--- www. ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1998ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 149.255/149.349/149.430/0.323 ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 149.255/149.349/149.430/0.323 ms

A time of 149 ms is recorded in a ping test, also its average full page load time is 748 milliseconds. This is slower than 82% of measured websites.