
Rexswain is ranked 21,956 in Australia. 'Rex Swain's Home Page.'

21,956Rank in Australia

45,177Worldwide Rank

Monthly pages viewed1,403,438
Monthly visits 224,975
Value per visitor$0.50
Estimated worth$131,897.61
External links1,621
Number of pages--

Last Updated: 04/04/2018 . Estimated data, read disclaimer.


CountryCountry RankUsers %Pageviews %
Other countries12.80%13.50%
Netherlands 4,369 10.90%9.80%
South Africa 9,631 2.90%2.80%
Germany 10,159 16.20%16.00%
Austria 16,578 1.40%1.30%
United Kingdom 17,874 6.50%7.00%
Australia 21,956 2.10%2.20%
Poland 24,512 2.70%2.60%
France 28,220 5.00%4.20%
United States 28,348 18.50%21.00%
China 30,357 10.30%9.90%
Romania 32,487 0.70%0.70%
Canada 47,283 1.50%1.40%
Russia 56,548 3.00%2.70%
Italy 65,419 0.80%0.70%
India 71,304 4.80%4.30%

The majority of visitors come from Australia, United Kingdom, Austria, Germany, South Africa & Netherlands.

Traffic History 90 Day Average
Worldwide Rank37,964 -5,892
Daily Visitors10,122+12%
Daily Visitors Rank32,925 -4,751
Daily Pageviews14,854+12%
Daily Pageviews Rank69,789 -10,659
Pageviews Per User2.050%

Topics: Html Sampler, Pure Rgb Color Sampler, Zoomable Rgb Color Sampler, & Cgi Environment Variable Demo.

Category: 'APL/Consultants' & 'APL/Personal Pages'

Age: The domain is 18 years and 10 months old.

11,068 users visit the site each day, each viewing 2.05 pages.

Server Location
Westhost Inc.
Salt Lake City
United States
40.76078, -111.89105

Its IP Number is It is hosted by Westhost Inc (Utah, Salt Lake City,) using Apache/2 web server.


Web Server: Apache/2

Encoding: iso-8859-1

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 24.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 24.9 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 24.9 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 24.996/24.996/24.996/0.000 ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 24.996/24.996/24.996/0.000 ms

The server is slower than 61% of measured websites, at 1205 milliseconds. Also a time of 24.9 ms, is recorded in a ping test.

Server Setup
Server:Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)
Content-Type:text/html; charset=iso-8859-1