Welcome to Total Ear Hygiene

Brisbane’s Ear Cleaning Experts

Yes, we are open ANZAC day!

Its all we do, all day.

At Total Ear Hygiene, we firmly reject the notion that there is “one best method” for cleaning your ears.

Instead, after assessing your ear canals and your ear health history, we discuss the method (or methods) that we think are most appropriate with you. Our top priority is always ensuring our patients feel safe and comfortable.

Years of experience mean that we are experts in making sure your ear canals are free from excessive ear wax and debris.

Why bother with wax softeners when you can simply come straight in?

We've all heard the stories – other places insist on prepping your ears with softeners for what feels like an eternity. But who has the patience to endure days of muffled hearing with a blocked ear?

At Total Ear Hygiene, we proudly declare that wax softeners are an unnecessary use of precious time and money. Our expertise is so unparalleled that we render them obsolete. In fact, we've observed that folks who've dabbled in softeners often find their ear canals irritated and tender.

The common lament of softener users is that their ears feel worse after the endeavor. Why, you ask? Well, it's a tale of coagulation and discomfort. Softeners have a knack for joining forces with the wax, ultimately congregating on the delicate ear drum – a rather unpleasant situation for both your hearing and overall comfort.

So, spare yourself the ordeal and visit us directly. Your ears will thank you for it!


Where are we?

Our suite is located in the Freedom Suites building in the heart of Stones Corner.

There is ample parking in the Aldi carpark (entry off Cleveland Street), and your confirmation email has clear and detailed instructions on where to find it and how to get to us from there.

Please be aware that failure to read these, and subsequent complaining to us about there being no parking may result in us poking fun at you for not being able to follow the simple instructions to read your confirmation email for this information.

Meet the Team

  • Ryland Total Ear Hygiene


    Click the ‘Meet Us’ button to learn more!

  • Tayla

    Click the ‘Meet Us’ button to learn more!

Our blog

Will an ear candle fix the problem?

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Online hearing tests - are they accurate?

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“Why do my ears hurt when I fly?”

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Have you got itchy ears?Might be a fungal infection!

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Get your ears cleaned, today.