Oligarchs & Nationhood

Looking at the way that the oligarchy, the plutocracy, is using the national politicians that it owns, as puppets to their own commercial or political power seeking ends. At first glimpse, the fact that the oligarchs own the politicians & use them for their own profit & rent seeking ends might imply that the oligarchs… Continue reading Oligarchs & Nationhood

The Unkolektable, or “How Not To Make Friends & Influence People”

It appears that my lot in life is to upset gatekeepers, be they fascist or avowedly antifascist. Three Fediverse instances now have decided that they don’t want me to be a part of them, or so it would appear from my current lack of access to Kolektiva Dot Social. Such is life in the Oh… Continue reading The Unkolektable, or “How Not To Make Friends & Influence People”

Am I Mad?

Am I mad? I see almost everything said by other people, all other people, as wrong, being based on ideas that I see as myths, even or especially, with those who I agree with in general emotional terms. What does that say about what I believe or propose? Is there some hidden esoteric stream of… Continue reading Am I Mad?

How Money Does & Doesn’t Work in Oz

How Money Does & Doesn’t Work in Oz There is an extremely widespread misconception of how money comes to exist & the part it plays in society. How money doesn’t work The misconception, popular amongst economists trained by neoliberals, which is most economists, has government needing taxation or revenues from issuing bonds before they can… Continue reading How Money Does & Doesn’t Work in Oz


#RandomThoughtsSunday must be lamb today cos beef was last week the Moody Blues didn’t mention the corned beef next week & pork the week after creatures of habit, we

Community versus Indidividuality

How is it possible that in a human world that has survived for 100,000 + years, only surviving by virtue of people forming cooperative, self-reinforcing communities & fighting against the primitive individualist barbarians on the outside who have from the very beginning assaulted the communities to rape & pillage & satisfy their child-like urges to… Continue reading Community versus Indidividuality


Israel: The Prodigal Son who returns after 2000 years to throw everyone out of the family home & pick fights with all the neighbours. That’s the last time they’ll kill the fatted calf for you son.