Are you living your life or is it living you?

Welcome to Magic Carpet Rides (MCR).

Magic Carpet Rides is a place where you have the opportunity to discover your value and uncover your magic. At Magic Carpet Rides, we offer you the space to hear yourself think in an accepting, judgement free environment. This happens through coaching conversations, either 1:1 or with a small group conversation and through fun, experiential workshops. (Various communication mediums are available if you are not able to make face to face contact e.g. webinars).

The intention for this website is enquiry only. MCR is about coaching conversations Just like top performers in sport, singing, business use coaches, so too can you use a coach to go for what you really want. Coaching is for proactive people. MCR wants to bring coaching to anyone willing to take steps to do what they really want in their lives.

This website is for you to explore the value of asking yourself some questions to begin a conversation with yourself, that allows you to discover your value and uncover your magic. The intention is not to sell something to you that you don't want or collect your data to use to bombard you with marketing info. It is purely for you to explore whether a coaching conversation is what you would like to have to engage your passions.

We have offered an opportunity for you to Try us out and have attempted to put in the information we imagine you would most like to know. We are sure you will have questions and encourage you to contact us.

The Magic happens once you recognise you have choices that come naturally to you if you can just find the time to listen to yourself. The Carpet is the means by which you get there and the Ride is the fun part that happens when you begin your exploration of what you really want?

At Magic Carpet Rides, we offer you the space to hear yourself think in an accepting (non- judgemental) environment.

Solve your “stuff” yourself, become empowered and choose how you want to live!

How often have you taken the time to “get to know yourself better”? What do you mean know myself better, you might be thinking? Of course I know myself. Click to see What Our Clients Say.

Imagine you can live without “should” conversations in your head all the time...that you had the freedom to just experience what life was like if there were no “buts” or conditions or expectations or justifications.

It's amazing how we find so many ways to avoid this deeper conversation with ourselves. Do you find yourself looking for ways to avoid facing the future? Maybe you seek distractions through eating, drinking, smoking, taking drugs, playing mindless computer games, shopping without a real need, doing extreme sports. Why do we need these things?

You may be ready to have this conversation, you may not be ready. We all have choices? What reasons keep you feeling like life is living you? Are you ready to take a Magic Carpet Ride and explore what is true for you?

Who is really in charge? Who makes your life’s choices?

Ph: +61 3 9824 5585

Email: value@magiccarpetrides.com.au