If you are the owner or manager of a small to medium enterprise , the one thing you might not have is a lot of spare time!
Building, developing and maintaining a profitable and sustainable small to medium enterprise is , on the most part, undertaken by either one person or a small team of dedicated people.
There is a need to cut through the mountain of information to be filtered , deal with financial matters, technology requirements, regulations, adherence to prescribed reporting,  human resource management and occupational health and safety.
Just to name a few of the things that are a daily part of commercial life.
The key to being  effective is  to have easy access to external experts who are working alongside you when you need their skills; people who are there to keep you abreast of updates, assist when specific challenges arise and who understand your business. Often small to medium business people can spend a lot of precious time identifying resources, accessing referrals and then explaining your specific needs to a number of professionals before you find the person to whom you can then set out what it is that needs doing or gaining good , strong recommendations on how to approach a particular situation.
Your Business Life provides an effective, collaborative approach that is “ wholistic “, not just providing you with a point of referral.
It is an introduction to a group of professionals experienced in their own fields, who are briefed and ready to talk to you about the matters that are a priority at this phase of your business.
As there is a level of integration between these specialists, you receive attention from the outset from someone who is interested in and informed about your business.
Someone who is ready to start working with you effectively from the outset.
A group of businesses working together to assist people on that very rewarding journey of building  the small to medium enterprise and smooth out the bumps along the way. Your Business Life can assist with:

  • Financial business planning
  • identifying the right business structure
  • finance
  • insurance
  • insolvency
  • company liquidation
  • I.T.
  • Marketing