









Welcome to PCtamers

PH: 03 9824 1434 - MP: 0424 880 442

PCtamers is dedicated to helping you to gain greater enjoyment and productivity from your computer and the internet.

PCtamers provides professional onsite training and technical support for both Home and Business users

Whether you need instruction on:

* Use of computers and software

* Use of the internet and email

* Upgrading to Broadband from Dial-up

* Housekeeping for your computer to maintain smooth, trouble free operation

* Assistance purchasing new software and hardware

* Help installing new software and hardware

* Clearing viruses, spyware and adware from your system

* Protecting your systems from further attacks

* Networking and file sharing

* Using the Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook (Microsoft Office)

* Installing a wireless network in home or office

* Using digital cameras, photographic printing and retouching

* Internet banking or using credit cards online

* Children’s safety on the internet

* Buying and selling with EBay

* Computer repair and trouble-shooting


To find out more about our services, click on "About Us"


South Yarra, (Melbourne) Victoria, Australia