A CVE or cardiovascular event is usually one of three things: Peripheral vascular disease, ischaemmic heart disease or stroke. The 'event' follows an accumulation of 'plaque' on the walls of the arteries or some other cardiovascular disease or dysfunction.

Because they are life-threatening and result in the deaths of thousands of Australians each year, much research goes into understanding CVEs and what precipitates them, as well as what can be done to mitigate their risk of occurence. For example, James Cook University has found a clear link to renal dysfunction, also known as chronic kidney disease (CKD). Diabetes has also been found to result in a higher likelihood of CVE, as has obesity.

If you are concerned about your health or the risk of having a CVE, you should talk to your doctor and seek expert medical advice.

If you would like to be able to help others who might suffer a CVE, it may be a good idea to undertake professional first-aid training. St John are leaders in first-aid training.

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