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Minimum wage increase welcome, more government action needed

The Fair Work Commission’s decision to increase minimum wages by 3.75% is much-needed recognition that people on low and modest incomes continue to experience financial stress. We also welcome the Commission’s decision to re-assess wages for people working in community services and other sectors traditionally dominated by women.

ACOSS Statement Reconciliation Week 2024: Now more than ever, we must speak up against racism

As National Reconciliation Week 2024 comes to an end, ACOSS recommits to do all we can to support First Nations Self-Determination and Justice and to deliver on First Nations communities’ calls for Voice, Treaty and Truth. We reaffirm our Statement of Solidarity.

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This is a budget that has a hole in its heart

The government has correctly identified a set of serious challenges: a slowing economy, rising unemployment, falling spending power, a housing crisis and a climate crisis. This is a budget that has diagnosed the right problems but has failed to deliver the solutions we need.

Read media release | Read ACOSS Briefing: Impact of major Budget cost-of-living measures on different households | View ACOSS budget analysis slides

Women leaders call for JobSeeker boost to promote women’s safety

More than 200 women leaders including from business, unions, philanthropy, academia and the community sector have written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese urging him to provide economic security for women leaving violence by raising the rate of Jobseeker and Youth Allowance.

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Efficiency, electrification, and solar could save low-income households up to $6000

A new analysis commissioned by ACOSS reveals people on low-incomes could save up to $6,000 annually on their home energy bills with thermal efficiency upgrades, electrification and rooftop solar.