Philanthropist. Humanitarian. Patron of the arts. Considerate lover.

Boris Mihailovic has never been any of these things. He has, however, been a failed motorcycle racer, an outlaw motorcycle club member, a chronic abuser of recreational drugs, and one of Australia’s most grammatically correct magazine pornographers. Oh, and an author.

Hilarious, brutal, insightful, and remorseless, his tales delight and appal – often at the same time. A deeply flawed creature carved from wicked stubbornness, you’re invited to join him in a series of quite terrible, but equally side-splitting, tales of his exploits and confessions.

And here’s the place where you can buy them all, on-line, without having to go into dank bookshops that smell of pee, tea, and loneliness.

Shit My Wife Says – by Boris Mihailovic

Yes, there’s another book.

It’s like he’s pretending to be a writer or something.

And this time he’s involved his beautiful wife.

SH!T MY WIFE SAYS began as a bit of a laugh on Borrie’s social feeds, but soon attracted a huge audience, which was clamouring for “More Lynette!” and demanding a book be written, which would properly immortalise her wisdom.

Borrie told Lynette about this.

She told him to stop being an idiot, and write instead about what he knew – which was being a fool on motorcycles. Surely no-one would be interested in listening in on their marital exchanges.

But Borrie wrote the book anyway. He understands it’s always better to beg forgiveness than to seek permission.

What happens next is entirely up to you.

Hopefully, you’ll buy the book, enjoy it, and tell your friends. And maybe they’ll buy a copy, and so on.

Things is, if enough people buy a copy, then Borrie will only be encouraged to write another one, and nothing good can possibly ever come of that, as you’d know if you’ve read any of his other stuff.

Please note, SH!T MY WIFE SAYS is not a marriage guidance manual. So don’t buy it thinking it will fix shit. If anything, it may make everything much worse.

And do not let your missus read it. Ever.

No, seriously, don’t.

PRICE: A$34.99


POSTAGE OVERSEAS: A$60.00 because fuck Australia Post , but they do provide a tracking number. Sorry. It is what it is.

The Wisdom of the Road Gods – by Boris Mihailovic

You will never read a funnier or more honest journey than the one Boris has managed to write in his long-awaited third book.

Apart from the expected tales of terrifying misdeeds, motorcycling bastardry, and profound and general degeneracy, you will join the author on a most amazing motorcycle journey through the Balkans – the land of his forefathers.

He travels through Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia, examining the bones of his ancestors, and searching deep inside himself for redemption and absolution, all the while trying not to be murdered by Magyar killers, or riding off a Bosnian mountain.

Part travelogue, part historical lesson, and part hilarious and touching family reunion, this is the book everyone was waiting for – and now it’s here.


All prices are in Australian Dollars. Orders will be fulfilled in the order in which we receive them. At present, orders are being shipped next working day.

At the Altar of the Road Gods – by Boris Mihailovic

This was the second book. You can read it before you read the first book. It won’t matter. They’re not like Game of Thrones. This one is also filled with terrible tales of motorcycling catastrophes, swearing, blasphemy, poo, and dark deeds. Some say it is darker than my first book, but I think they’re only referring to the cover.

I feel you will enjoy this as much as you enjoyed the first one, or maybe less. Or maybe more. It’s hard to pin down. It’s also hard to get, like the first one, but I have a few I can sell you, which I will sign whether you want me to or not.

Others have enjoyed this one too.

‘A pulse-pounding, white-knuckle ride’ – PEOPLE MAGAZINE

‘Laugh-out-loud funny . . . compelling’ –

‘Will delight the motorbike-mad dad’ – TAKE 5’

‘Couched in beautiful Australiana, Boris’ book is an exploration of a life that most of us would never dare to live. Boris describes one of his sharehouses as being “a cross between a Marxist utopia and a pirate ship,” but it may as well be a description of the entire book. Boris writes like a more abrasive Hunter S. Thompson.’ – Aden Dale GOODREADS

$50.00 including postage within Australia

POSTAGE OVERSEAS: An extra $40.00 because Australia Post are profiteering swine, but they do provide a tracking number, and this cost is an average across the price range for overseas mail. Sorry. It is what it is.

My Mother Warned Me About Blokes Like Me – by Boris Mihailovic

This was my first book. It concerns the riding of motorcycles and what happens when that riding takes place. There are sweary words, terrible deeds, and poor outcomes.

I bought the leftovers from the warehouse and you can now buy them directly from me because that is how free market capitalism works. And if you buy them from me, I make more money than if you buy them from somewhere else, which will be hard because most places have run out of stock. I will of course sign each copy, because that will devalue your purchase and cause resentment.

Still, you should enjoy it. Other people apparently have.

‘Boris has more fun on two wheels than should be legally possible…’ – Richard Fidler, ABC

‘Mihailovic uses humour like most people would use their fists.’ – Courier Mail

‘His love of motorcycling, mateship and frequent, subsequent mayhem is matched by a natural writing ability that graphically, often hilariously, brings to life the two-wheeled experiences that have shaped his life… Highly recommended.’ – 4 X 4 Magazine

‘There is no requirement to love everything on two wheels to enjoy this book but it would seriously help, as our resident bike nut said about Boris: “This guy lives and breathes motorbikes. He’s the epitome of two-wheel freedom.’ – Mining Chronicle

‘I couldn’t put this book down, was a laugh on every page. Brilliantly written of stories from childhood to adulthood that every bikes should read and even those whom are not into bikes.’- David James

$40.00 including postage within Australia

POSTAGE OVERSEAS: An extra $20.00 because Australia Post are profiteering swine, but they do provide a tracking number, and this cost is an average across the price range for overseas mail. Sorry. It is what it is.