Capture Your Grief - 2019

Welcome to Capture Your Grief 2019. For those of you who are new, Capture Your Grief is a world wide community project created to help bereaved parents and loved ones mindfully document their grief experience and discover other ways, perspectives and ideas on healing after the death of a baby or child of any age or gestation. While this project is mainly for bereaved parents, anyone who has been touched by such a loss is welcome to join in.

Below are the writing prompts for 2019. You are invited to spend some time thinking about the subject given and share your thoughts or experience through writing and/or sharing a picture. This year, I am only elaborating on each individual prompt a little bit as I really want you to sit with the prompt and see what comes up for you without too much of my words clouding your own heart and mind. Share whatever you feel comfortable in sharing or keep your project private. There is no pressure to share anything and you can pick and choose which days you would like to do. You do not have to do them all. If one of the prompts doesn't sit well with you, you are welcome to swap it for you own or skip a day. At no point should this become overwhelming so relax and take it easy.

While there are no real rules, I ask that you to read these guidelines. 1: Take Care of Yourself. You do not have to complete every single day. Pick and choose as you go or make up your own subjects. Do what is right for you. 2: Please use your own photographs unless you have permission from the original photographer/artist. 3. Please be respectful of others. There is absolutely no room or space here for grief Olympics. If you see a post that does not align with your beliefs and values, that is okay. Just send you love! It is free to receive and costs you nothing to giveaway. Be kind.

I will be sharing my Capture Your Grief journey over on my facebook page and instagram and depending on my health I am hoping to do a bunch of live video chats too throughout the month. If you want to, you will be able to share your photographs and words in the comments section of my facebook page. You may post your Capture Your Grief writing wherever you please, on your favourite social media website, blog, live web feeds or simply in a private journal. Please be mindful that if you share on my page, anyone and everyone can read what you write as my page is open to the public.

Occasionally we encounter some trolls at this time of year. It is very rare but I feel I do need to mention it here. If you see someone trolling please remember that the moment you engage with them, you have given them what they want. So delete and block, my friends. If you do come across a troll, let their poorly chosen words wash right off you.

You can find others by using the hashtags #captureyourgrief  #captureyourgrief2019 and #whathealsyou

Please feel welcome to share this project with anyone who you think it will help.

I am sending you so much love and wishing you all a gentle month of conscious, mindful grieving and healing. Please take good care of yourself and others.

With love,



1. SUNRISE RITUAL | At the beginning of every Capture Your Grief Project we all get up to watch the sun rise over our Pregnancy, Infant and Child Loss Remembrance Month. Set your alarm to get up before the sunrise. Make yourself a cup of tea  and wrap yourself up in your favourite blanket. Go outside and whisper your child's name to the sky and dedicate this time to them. If the weather won't allow you to step outside, sit quietly by a window. Take a picture of the sunrise and if you choose to share it on social media, let us know what part of the world you are from. Welcome to Capture Your Grief. I wish there was no reason for you to be here, but I am so glad you found us.

2. CHILD OF MINE | Share about your beloved child who died. What were they like. What is their name? If they don't have a name, share who they are and what they mean to you.

3. TWILIGHT OF MEMORY | Share a memory of your child or your experience with grief. It doesn't matter what kind of memory, just share what comes to your heart.

4. HEART CONNECTION | Do you feel connected to your child even though they are no longer here. If so how do you feel connected to them. Share how your imagination works to keep you together. If you do not feel connected to your child, maybe have a read of what others are sharing. Maybe one of their ideas or practices will resonate with you.

5. FRIENDSHIP | Share about a friend who has been there for you during this grief experience. How grateful are you for them? What did they do to help you. Maybe send them a message and thank them for their support.

6. GRATITUDE | I realize this topic can be a real tough one for people, but I am not asking you to be grateful for your grief, but rather open a window or door to the practice of gratitude if you are not quite there yet. When you practice gratitude, it helps to remind you of all the good in your life that is still there. A grateful heart is a lighter heart. Share something you are grateful for today.

7. INHALE + EXHALE | Today is like a Capture Your Grief Free Day. This awareness month can become overwhelming quickly so instead of pouring your heart out, take today to look after yourself and your mental health. Be mindful of your breathing. Take some time out in nature today and just breathe. Recharge.

8. EMPATHY | One thing grief taught me was the power of empathy. I learned about empathy when I was given the opposite and that really opened my eyes to the people who really did share their empathy with me. To be able to sit with someone who is really hurting and acknowledging their pain without trying to fix it is a true gift. Share your thoughts on empathy today, you just never know who may need to hear what you have to say.

9. DAY DREAMS | Do you ever day dream (or in your sleep) about your child? Do you wonder if they still exist in our universe? Do you wonder about what they look like now?

10. SEASONS | Is their a particular season of the year that reminds you of your child? Maybe it is the scent in the air or the colour of the trees? What do the seasons bring with them?

11. BELIEFS | Before I share today's prompt, I am asking everyone to be respectful towards each other today. They say you should never talk about politics or religion with others but I think we can share our beliefs systems and honour each others beliefs even if they do not align with our own. Please be kind to each other today. Okay, the prompt! Share a little about your belief system. Are you a spiritual or religious person? Do you believe there is nothing after life and death? Have your beliefs changed since the death of your child?

12. TRANSFORMATION | How have you changed since the death of your child? Share about who you were before and who you are now.

13. FAMILY PORTRAIT | What does your family portrait look like? It does not have to be a traditional family dynamic. Friends are considered family to many people. It could be just yourself. What would your family portrait look like if your children were here?

14. SUPPORT CIRCLES | Share your favourite support networks. It may be a charity or a small friendship group. Share their information for others to find.

15. WAVE OF LIGHT | Today is Baby and Child Loss Remembrance day. Light a candle at 7pm to honour all of our children and let the wave of light carry their names around the world.

16. REST FROM GRIEF  | We are now half way through October so today, is another Capture Your Grief Free Day. Take today to rest your heart and mind and focus on your breathing.

17. TREASURED | Do you have any treasured belongings that remind your of your child? What are they and what do they mean to you?

18. GRIEF LESSONS | What is something that grief has taught you?

19. WHAT HEALS YOU | Today I invite you to think about what heals you. After asking the question "WHY" did this happen to me, I realized just how much deeper in darkness that question was pushing me. I had to change the way I felt about the question and so that is how I came up with "What Heals You?". Instead of asking Why? I would ask what is it that brings healing into my life. What can you do that is good for you? Is there something that may even bring some joy with it?

20. MUSIC | Share a piece of music that reminds you of your child.

21. CREATIVE HEART | Have you used or discovered any creativity in your grief experience? Share what you love to create. It can be anything at all. Gardening, cooking, painting, singing, dancing, writing etc.

22. LOVE LETTER | Today write a love letter to your child. Tell them everything you want them to know and then put it into an envelope and pop it in a special place.

23. RETREAT | As we are coming into the last week of October take today to relax and retreat from your grief exploration. Do something that is good for your well being.

24. DEAR WORLD | What do you want the world to know about your child?

25. SELF CARE | Self care is very important when it comes to healthy grieving. What self care practices to you have in your life? If you do not have any, please feel welcome to explore what other people do. It might just give you an idea of something you can do to take care of yourself.

26. HEART | What does you heart look like now? Is it whole? Is it cracked wide open? Is it empty? Maybe their is a space that is the shape of your child there. Describe your heart.

27. GRIEF RITUALS | Do you have any grief rituals that you do to remember your child? Maybe it is something special you do on their birthday or special anniversary.

28. MYTHS | Do you believe there are any myths or misunderstandings when it comes to grief and healing? Share your thoughts.

29. RELEASE | Is there something in your grief experience that you need to let go of? Maybe you it is forgiving someone or letting go of the Whys and what ifs. Share your thoughts on letting go of that which does not serve a good purpose for you.

30. GIFTS IN GRIEF | What gifts has grief (if any) brought into your life. Maybe it is compassion or understanding. Share your thoughts.

31. SUNSET RITUAL | Today is the last day of our Capture Your Grief experience. Today, step outside to watch the sun set. As the sun sets over the horizon spend some time reflecting over this last month. Did you discover something about yourself? Do you feel more connected to your child? How are you feeling. I want to send you all so much love and gratitude for joining me on this journey. Even if it was only for a day. Be gentle on yourselves over the next few days as you all come out of this experience. Take good care of yourselves as you grow further through grief and healing. May your children's light forever shine upon you.

Much love,

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