Kanye With White People

Anonymous asked: Is there a problem with white people?


On Sight!

On Sight!

Kanye seen jumping into a random car, and demanding to be driven to the nearest leather pants store.

Kanye seen jumping into a random car, and demanding to be driven to the nearest leather pants store.

post marriage
no prenup

post marriage 

no prenup 

“ “I thought that I wanted new friends but this… this is not what I want at all. I do not want to be hanging out with Zoolander. I miss Jay. I miss Bey. I miss Blue Ivy even though she can’t yet contribute artistically or...


“I thought that I wanted new friends but this… this is not what I want at all. I do not want to be hanging out with Zoolander. I miss Jay. I miss Bey. I miss Blue Ivy even though she can’t yet contribute artistically or emotionally to our friendship.”

Kim - “ Yes, yes this pleases kim”

Kim - “ Yes, yes this pleases kim”

Let us not focus on Kanye
but the essence of darkness and evil behind him

Let us not focus on Kanye

but the essence of darkness and evil behind him