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Last Updated: Wednesday, 31 January 2007, 11:49 GMT
Holes found in Wolfowitz's style
Mr Wolfowitz looks for his shoes after a Turkish mosque visit...

World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz may be dedicated to freeing the world from poverty - but he seems unable to afford a new pair of socks.

Mr Wolfowitz's sartorial deficiencies were revealed when he took his shoes off while visiting a mosque in Edirne, western Turkey.

Both of the grey socks sported holes with his big toes peeking through.

The last World Bank annual report, for 2006, puts the president's salary as of 1 July, 2005, at $391,440 (£200,279).


Mr Wolfowitz was in Turkey on a two-day visit that included a meeting with Prime Minister Reycep Tayyip Erdogan.

Mr Wolfowitz strongly backs Turkey's bid to join the European Union.

On his trip he also met homeless men at a shelter in Istanbul who are being helped by a World Bank-financed scheme.

In an earlier sartorial foray in the media, in the Michael Moore film Fahrenheit 9/11, Mr Wolfowitz was seen to spit on his comb before running it through his hair ahead of a television appearance.

Profile: Paul Wolfowitz
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