
Cloud-based hotel/motel reservation system

with all-in-one channel manager & booking engine.

"I cannot recommend Callista enough. They are a great team to work with and their product is top rate."

Unlock your efficiency. Amplify your success.

We know that no motel or hotel has the same requirements.  So, let's help you step up your game with cloud-based, all-in-one Aurelian.  Every function and feature is designed with your property in mind to provide performance, efficiency, automation, stability* and flexibility.  Anywhere.  Anytime. 

* 100% up-time measured over last eight years

Fast. Easy-to-use. Time-saving.

Aurelian makes all your common tasks including managing all your reservations, checkin/out, navigating, filtering and searching, and invoicing super-fast. And you can save time with Aurelian's scheduler because it takes care of your emailing and other tasks all automatically.

More Aurelian features
a laptop and a cell phone are open to a screen that says today
a laptop is open to a screen that says channel manager

Manage your online profile

Take complete control of all your online booking channels and booking engine with Aurelian's integrated, all-in-one channel manager & booking engine, Aurelian+. Automatically manage your availability, rates and derived rates per channel and much more.

More about online reservations

The numbers you need to know

Aurelian is the best of all worlds.  A fast, high-performance, easy-to-use, front-end with an integrated channel manager & booking engine and wide-ranging management, financial, statistical and operational reports at the back-end to manage your hotel/motel professionally, profitably and accurately.

More about reporting
a laptop is open to a dashboard showing reservations received per day
a laptop displays a graph for sandy cove luxury resort

Create your own unique style

With Aurelian, flexibility and automation are king.  You can customize your system in almost any way you like. Add any fields you like to capture any data you want and even set your own unique reservation states to automatically define the flow of your reservations.  And you can also bring your own style and unique brand to all your documents.

More about customization

Only pay for the rooms you have

Aurelian's monthly subscription is based on the actual number of rooms you have so, you only pay for what you have.  Data conversion, setup and training are free. And there are no hidden costs or extra fees and we take no commission.

Calculate your subscription
a laptop with a calculator on the screen that says calculate your aurelian subscription
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