Please check below to find out what sandboarding is and why it is so popular.

Japan is a country offering great conditions for pretty much every sport imaginable. Streets for skateboarding, incredible mountains for skiing and snowboarding, decent waves for surfing and of course wicked dunes for sandboarding.
Sandsports Japan offers rentals and sales of high quality sandboarding goods including boards, binding, wax, apparel and accessories. We also offer guided sandboarding tours and instructional courses for beginners. Click the tour link below for more information.



Sandboarding is said to be originated in Egypt in the time of the Pharoahs where they slid down dunes on pieces of wood. Now the sport has evolved, and although many countries take claim to originating it, Australia, Peru, Germany and Japan have really taken the sport to the next level. However it is the natural thoughts of many youths around the globe that it makes sense to find fun and adventure by sliding down big dunes on something. The rush of the nature zipping by and the immersion in the natural environment with rocks, trees and bushes as obstacles make the rider feel a sense of being combined with the fear of speed to bring about the rush that keeps sandboarders and leisurely sand sledders on a tour coming back for more. Regardless of its origin the word Sand Boarding explains itself, you sit stand or lie down on a board which is usually made of wood, carbon, fibreglass or even metal and slide down a sand dune or mountain made of sand. Many people use what they have at hand; body boards, surfboards and even cardboard but the true sandboard sport and control of the board, carving and jumping is best experienced with a real sandboard and bindings.

Sandboarding is a sideways riding sport so people who Surf, Skate, Snowboard and Wakeboard will be able to sandboard the same day they try. If you are new to sideways riding sports it may take you a day to get on your feet and ride properly with a few turns but it has been our experience that sandboarding is surely the easiest out of all the above sports. And if you really have trouble you cna always sit down! It is especially popular in Japan, France , Germany , South America , United States and Australia where there are competitions that offer cash prizes allowing for a pro circuit.

One of the big drawcards to sandboarding for most youths is it's inexpensive start cost and freedom of places to do it. Unlike other sports you will rarely, if not ever have to pay to sandboard although the Americans decided to make a Sandboard Park and hence charge fees. To sandboard you only need a board, a dune and some wax and your ready to go. Wax is applied to the base to help relax the extreme friction and heat created between the base and the sand, some people also use spray on floor polish but this can contain CFCs and chemicals that most authorities frown upon being left in the sand. Most sandboarders just wear shorts and a t-shirt and depending on the style of board, no shoes. Snowboards that are made into sandboards have snowboard bindings and so boots are needed. Sandboard Japan. Age, sex and skill level is not so much an issus for sandboarding as amateurs or pros can both find ways to enjoy it at all levels. Even Grandma could sit down on a sled style board and have agood time. Lastly one of the besr things about Sandboarding is it isn't as dangerous as its cousins because even if you take a big fall - it's just sand and quite soft, much softer than an icy trail.

Sandboarding is the perfect off-season sport for those looking to keep in shape during summer whilst still wanting to do those snowboard maneuvres. 360's, 720's, back flips, rodeos, Switch Blind 180s are all possible on a sandboard with enough speed and the right kicker.

Snowboarders can quickly make the transition to sanboarding. The board is light and ready for snowboarders who prefer jumping and freestyle runs. Riding a sandboard is like riding powder so you centre your gravity on your trailing foot. There are also no chair lifts so back country boarders are well suited to sandboarding. As the amount of dedicated snowboarders in Japan increases, sandboarding will become more and more popular as THE off season training sport.

For example after walking up the dune you get to do this:

We hope you would also like to try sandboarding and we'd be glad to get you started.


Sand Sports Japan Team

Ciero Blanco Dune Video. 5Mins 32Mb. Using a converted snowboard. Application for 2006 Japan Big Air Competition (Japanese) August 26 and 27 Sandboard Rentals
ONJUKU SANDBOARD; Video 4mins 44Mb Cameron Dias Video 10mins 23Mb Mt Fuji Sandboard Video 10mins 38Mb 3 Sandboard Videos in One - 12mins 45Mb
Sand Sports Japan has information on Sandboarding in Japan. We include a sand report, sand dunes locations in Japan and sandboarding videos and photos aswell as a how to sandboard video. We also sponsor sandboarders sell sandboards and sandboard wax. For anything about sandboarding in Japan you can count on Sand Sports Japan to provide it here. Please give us an email with any sandboardd questions you may have in English or Japanese.
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