Escaping the desk in a new-age office

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This was published 14 years ago

Escaping the desk in a new-age office

By Julianne Dowling

The office of the future is likely to be three places – work, home and somewhere else, according to two pieces of recent research on work trends.

And it's likely that bosses are going to have to rethink their management approach to accommodate those battling a worsening peak-hour commute or caring for family members, with the report showing 20 per cent of women aged over 50 are now caring for children. More fathers are also expected to help out over the next 10 years.

According to Jenni Pavlou, a specialist for SMEs with Brainwave HR, managing a decentralised workforce will be hard, but it will become the norm in the next ten or 15 years.

“It will become less about supervision, and more about recruiting people who deliver results, regardless of where they work,” Ms Pavlou said.

One solution, canvassed by Peter Wilson AM in his people@work/2020 white paper for the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) this month, is the idea of core hours, where people may come into an office between 10 am and 4 pm, but can work elsewhere if they choose. This is already happening at Optus, which aims to make it easier for parents to transport their children to and from school.

The report also recommended the idea of compressed work weeks, career breaks and more flex-time.

After three years research amongst 30 large employers, the white paper also highlights the downsides of open plan office spaces.

“A common observation is that the architects and baby boomers have seldom lost their own offices within the new configuration,” the report said.

The interviewees also said the per metre costs of open plan and its impact on productivity had not been lowered despite all efforts. In fact, the report said the open plan configuration had a materially damaging effect.

This is supported by another white paper called Agility@Work, prepared by which also says the cost of working to an employer has to be streamlined, and one way this will happen more effectively will be through decentralisation and mobilisation.


A change in working patterns demands discipline and diversity so the worker has to have tasks and structure to their daily routine.

The AHRI paper identifies the next-generation office as green and flexible with plenty of different spaces to meet, such as cafes, gardens and other informal gathering points. Ideally this workspace also allowed for web surfing and online hubs where small groups can work.

When Allan Hall Accountants, whose clients include some of Australia's top surfers and personalities such as restaurateur Luke Mangan, moved their offices from Dee Why to the Lifestyle Working building at Brookvale two years ago, they were seeking a bigger and better space for their predominantly younger staff.

Their new offices are in an environmentally sustainable development with solar lighting, rainwater harvesting and plenty of open spaces.

The building's tenants, who are small and medium businesses, all have access to roaming wi-fi, a lap pool, a health club and gym, cafe and surfboard storage. The building has a five-star energy rating.

Some business owners even bring their dogs to work.

“There used to be an idea that if you're not in the city, you're in Hicksville,” said Allan Hall partner Scott Somerville.

Now, many accountancy firms are starting to look at the outer fringe of the city for lower square metre costs. Mr Somerville said the community feel of their new building had led to picking up business from the other tenants and owners. In turn, some of the firm's clients had also bought into the development.

“A lot of the staff love that it's a green building, and there are cost savings, but the outgoings for our office would only differ maybe by $10 per square metre."

Rents start at around $400 a week, but most SME owners have opted to buy commercial strata offices starting at $300,000 a suite.

“We moved at the time of the GFC which definitely changed retention. But we do think that the environment helps," Mr Somerville said.

“Not too many staff would leave for $5,000 a year extra; we have between 25 to 28 staff parking spots, and it's not hard to park around the building.”

Almost 90 per cent of their staff live within a radius of 10 kilometres of the Brookvale office, a 40-minute drive from Sydney's CBD.

“City workers may have to leave for work at 6.30am, and I'm going swimming or to the gym. It's a good lifestyle.”

Technological innovation is also making it easier for companies to spread out when staff are located in different places.

Ian Krawitz, who runs the franchise industry research firm 10 Thousand Feet with a staff of five, loves software which connects up his researchers, contractors and clients around Australia.


“We use a technology by Citrix called Go to Meeting, which has a webinar solution allowing online collaboration for groups. That really helps with clients and suppliers, and works well.”

Mr Krawitz said one of his clients in the beauty industry was adopting the technology to talk to their salons around the country as a result of his experience.

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