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Hey There 

Welcome to Web Chameleon, where marketing magic happens.

I’m Belinda Jackson, your new Business & Marketing Coach / Mentor / Consultant.

If you’re a passionate, service-based business owner craving the know-how to marketing that actually works, then YAY – you’re in the right place!

Since 2005 I’ve been working with small businesses and passionate entrepreneurs like you, providing digital marketing solutions that powerfully brand your business, and attract YOUR perfect clients. 

Specialising in Digital Marketing. 

From optimising your website for local search results to harnessing the power of social media for targeted client attraction globally, my goal is to empower your business to prosper.

Let’s team up and transform your online presence and digital marketing so that it’s MAGNETIC to your perfect clients! 

Belinda Jackson Digital Marketing Consultant

Magnetic Branding.

Website Optimisation.

Sizzling Social Media.

Web Chameleon Marketing Services Central Coast

Belinda Jackson is an online marketing genius.

It’s rare to meet someone who is a wizard at all things tech and marketing AND who serves with such kind heart-ed love. She’s a perfect blend of the masculine and the feminine in business.

She sees YOU with her soul and helps you take action in spite of fear.

Amanda Moxley

CEO, Amanda Moxley

Belinda combines intuitive knowing with clear business strategy that is authentic and heart centred.

The ripple effect of Belinda’s support goes beyond my own personal needs, as now I’m serving my clients in a better way, I’m financially nourished and have more space to enjoy it! 

She has proven to be a wonderful asset to my business.

Avalon Darnesh

CEO, Blossoming Women

What a wonderful and refreshing speaker Belinda is. The ladies at Thriving Biz Collective absolutely raved about her session and the way she presented her information.

Teaching on marketing strategy, financial empowerment, alignment and real heart driven business strategies.

I highly recommend Belinda as a speaker and business mentor!

Marilou Coombe

Founder, Thriving Biz Collective

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Belinda Jackson Digital Marketing Consultant