
Latest News

2023: A year in review

The year just concluding was a year of transitions. A gradual recovery following the global impact of Covid; the resolution of a screen industry strike over the application of AI; the demise of banknotes; the professional delivery of advanced solutions; a pivot back to focusing on screen production, and the birth of a brand. In ...Read More...

Fundraising for Prostate Cancer research

Every year, thousands of Australian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) generates attention and funds for medical research and specialist prostate cancer nursing personnel. PCFA is beneficiary of an annual fundraising event. For the 2022 Outback 4WD Adventure, logistics provider, Optim donated principal financial sponsorship for a vehicle. ...Read More...

building brands!

Since the mid 1990’s, Digital Tsunami has contributed to the birth and growth of brands in the building, construction and engineering sector. These contributions have encompassed extraordinary visuals, multi-national companies, multi-lingual videos, massive infrastructure projects and identity for start-up enterprises. Literally building brands! Digital Tsunami has built websites for the 8 billion dollar property portfolio ...Read More...

From Our Clients

Quotation Mark

Andrew and his team have supported Foodbank by providing web services for more than a decade.

In fact, they have just undertaken the first complete redevelopment of the original Foodbank website they built for us, and have been maintaining so ably since.

Andrew is creative and passionate and helps us to keep up, constantly looking for new ways to add value and improve our online communications channels.

John Webster
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Foodbank Australia
Quotation Mark

I recently engaged Digital Tsunami to design and build my 60-page website. I'm a website copywriter who relies heavily on web-generated business, so my own online presence needs to be impeccable.

The solution that Digital Tsunami supplied is brilliant. It meets my needs perfectly; it's clean, bold, elegant, fast, and easy to edit. I've had lots of very positive feedback about it, and since launch, my request for quote rate and conversion rate have increased markedly.

The team at Digital Tsunami was incredibly responsive, delivering a solution well ahead of deadline. Their technical knowledge was exceptional, they were innovative, and they were very meticulous. What's more, they understood my business and technical requirements and translated them into a user-friendly, refined, professional site which is conceptually simple and cohesive.

I have no hesitation in recommending the website design services of Digital Tsunami to any business .. that needs a stand-out online presence.

Glenn Murray
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Quotation Mark

We have been fortunate to work with Andrew and his creative team from the inception of our business. The design and execution of our site has been fundamental in winning over clients and establishing our footprint in a very crowded space. We also place great value on their input into our business process.

Vikram Aggarwal
Quotation Mark

Your team has been great to work with. Tamara is very quick to catch on to things and Amir's code and CSS has impressed David due to its' simplicity and elegance.

Ian Brand
Manager - Information Services
Adelaide, SA, Australia
Quotation Mark

I have viewed all the videos and would like to commend you on the excellent quality.

I would like to thank you for the excellent editing which portrays the event as dynamic and stimulating.

Marika Janis
Executive Director, NSW Branch
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Australia China Business Council