Who We Are

Our mission is to promote, represent and support professional practitioners of natural medicine, who are encouraged to pursue the highest ideals of  professionals in their natural medicine practice and education.

We offer exclusive benefits such as a comprehensive continuing professional education program, practitioner representation through advocacy and awards, eligibility for health funds, free access to research resources, professional indemnity insurance, grants and more.

Explore our membership packages and help us create a better world through natural medicine.

Beads of water sitting on a green leaf
Female practitioner looking directly ahead
Ancient Chinese coin and acupuncture needles

Find a Practitioner

Looking for a trusted and qualified natural therapist near you? Search the ATMS member database for an accredited practitioner of bodywork & massage, ingestive therapies or Chinese medicine today!


ATMS Member Portal

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new website. As part of our commitment to security, we kindly ask all members to update their passwords when logging into their MEMBER PORTAL.

Join us for Natural Medicine Week

Each year in May, ATMS host Natural Medicine Week, to promote, educate and raise awareness of the important role natural medicine practitioners play in the health and wellbeing of Australians. Practitioners from around the country host a huge variety of online events, provide their health tips in the blog and on social media, and share their tasty natural recipes.