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Can't access your site or email?

In order to help you resolve any access problems, we will need to know your IP address.

Your IP address is:

Before you contact us for support, please go to to see if there's a technical issue with your site. If it's just you, it's possible there are issues you're unaware of with your internet connection. Another possibbility is that you are being blocked by your server's firewall.

If you do find it's just you, please contact us providing your IP address (above) so we can investigate further. If the test does report that your site is down, please contact us to let us know and we'll investigate the issue further.

Email Problems?

If you're having problems sending or receiving mail, please make sure that you are using the correct settings. These are provided for you below.

After making any changes to your email configuration, please reboot your computer to make sure it is using the new settings.

Step 1 - reboot your device/computer and modem.

If your settings are already correct, then you may just need to reboot your device/computer and modem. This should fix most problems immediately. If it doesn't, please move on to step 2.

Step 2 - review the settings for any affected email accounts.


POP server address: (substitute for your own domain)

POP server port#: 995

SSL/TLS: Enabled

Username: The full email address

Password: The password for the mailbox


IMAP server address: (substitute for your own domain)

IMAP server port#: 993

SSL/TLS: Enabled

Username: The full email address

Password: The password for the mailbox


SMTP Server address: (substitute for your own domain)

SMTP Server port#: 465

SSL/TLS: Enabled

Username: The full email address

Password: The password for the mailbox

NOTE: On Apple devices, the "Automatically manage connection settings" option in an account's settings should be disabled. It causes Mail to repeatedly scan ports on your server, and to any server looks like a port scan from a hacker. Disabling the option and using our recommended settings above usually resolves any problems.

If you find that you can't access your email after updating your settings, please contact us providing your IP address ( and we'll investigate the issue further.

Top articles on solving most email problems

Please Note: We provide online tutorials to help you configure your email software as a courtesy. However, our support staff are unable to provide support on how to use or configure third-party software on your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. We will provide support for any issues relating to the software and services on our servers, but you will need to contact the software manufacturer or visit their relevant online support pages for help with the software that they provide.

In some instances, we can provide support to assist you with your device. This will be logged as a priority support incident and will be charged accordingly.

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