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a person who controls the safety rope for a climbera person who turns a rope around a cleat, or belaying pin, to make it hold tight
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As an instructor got me into a harness, Alex explained how there are two people involved in this climbing adventure - the climber and the belayer, the person entrusted to hold the rope.
"Ready?" Hudson asks of his belayer. "Falling." And fall he does, releasing his hold on the rock and dropping toward the group of wide-eyed middle schoolers.
As a belayer, it is vitally important to maintain a close eye on your climber so you may take in or pay out the correct amount of rope to allow them to move freely, yet have the protection of the rope should they fall.
Climbing was on top rope -ensuring participants safety with the rope passing through a top anchor between the climber and their belayer so as to diminish the psychological stress (Draper et al., 2010; Hodgson et al., 2009) and to let climbers focus on ascending as fast as possible, and in red point mode -which means that climbers already knew the route, spending less time in static positions (Sanchez et al., 2012).
While climbing with a partner, belayer must constantly monitor his movements.
He called down to his belayer, but there was nothing the belayer could do but hope that the young Collins would not momentarily be if crumpled at his feet.
GOODWOOD 1.55 Forgotten Voice 2.30 Tawhid 3.05 Stirring Ballad 3.40 Spirit Quartz 4.15 Belayer 4.50 Pavlosk 5.25 Statutory.
GOODWOOD: 1.55 Forgotten Voice, 2.30 Tawhid, 3.05 Stirring Ballad, 3.40 Spirit Quartz (nap), 4.15 Belayer, 4.50 Pavlosk, 5.25 Statutory.
GOODWOOD: 1.55 FORGOTTEN VOICE (NAP), 2.30 Tawhid, 3.05 Stirring Ballad, 3.40 Spirit Quartz, 4.15 Belayer, 4.50 Pavlosk, 5.25 Statutory.
NAOMI MATTHEW: 1.55 FORGOTTEN VOICE (NAP), 2.30 Tawhid, 3.05 Stirring Ballad, 3.40 Spirit Quartz, 4.15 Belayer, 4.50 Pavlosk, 5.25 Statutory.
GOODWOOD: 1.55 Forgotten Voice, 2.30 Tawhid, 3.05 Stirring Ballad, 3.40 Elusivity, 4.15 Belayer, 4.50 Pavlosk, 5.25 Statutory.