Fancy Silk Scarf

Fancy Silk Scarf

White Metal Single Ghee Lamp
Jagannatha Patch
Womens Churidar Stretchable Pants
Printed Bagal Bandi (Pure Cotton)
Wall Hanging -- Sri Hanuman
Boys Kurta -- Khadi, Color

Order Received

By Anjaly Krishna Shabu

I order several items and all items well received right time and well packed.

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excellent service

By Lyn Costello

great satisfaction from everything ive ordered..excellent goods and excellent service...I will conti ...

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Prompt Delivery

By Magandara Naidu

Items delivered promptly as described. Many thanks and God bless.

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Good quality! Fast service!

By Tanya Lewis

Ordered a new copy of BhagavadGita and some beads, both excellent thank you, Tanya Yandina Australi ...

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trascedental stuff from Krishna Store

By Rodrigo Hernandez

All glories to Sri Krishna and Srila Prabhupada! Hare Krishna! Thanks very much for all this t ...

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Radha Krishna and the Gopis

By Hraefn Wulfson

This print is very high quality. The colors are bright and it is a welcome addition to my home.

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Dear Admin

By Orban Janos

Wery beutiful items arrived in good conditon and fast. Thanks again. Hare Krishna.

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By Izabela Mistrikova

My experience is good, the products are good quality and original

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Prabhupadas mercy.

By Biraj Tim

Amazing and great happiness.

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Completely a beauty of set!

By Nitai Charan Ferrera Nakamaura

Completely a beauty of set! Always please keep it available. Thank you for having it. Apreciate all ...

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By Sanjay Gadhia

Shopping is a great experience and very easy. Customer support is swift and informative.

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Excellent Service

By Rūta Jakaitytė

I am very glad about service of team. While ordering saris, I had no clue that they ...

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Tulasi beads

By Ruth Loydall

I brought tulasi beads from the Krishna store and they were great value for money. They arrived prom ...

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Best website ever

By Bramacharya

I have ordered quite a few things from and everything has been completely above and ...

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Vrindavan in Canada

By Sneha Sharma

Thank you Krishna Store for making my Janmasthami celebration in Canada so blissful. Finding things ...

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