Peas with your Sole ~ A Pilgrim’s Lunch

After venturing across lands of our ancestors to meet my guru or guiding light.  I stopped on the bank of a river to eat, and with the sunlight on the water looking and sparkling like diamonds, I realised I’d found what I’d been looking for all along.

After venturing across lands of our ancestors to meet my guru or guiding light.  I stopped on the bank of a river to eat, and with the sunlight on the water looking and sparkling like diamonds, I realised I'd found what I'd been looking for all along.
After venturing across lands of our ancestors to meet my guru or guiding light. I stopped on the bank of a river to eat, and with the sunlight on the water looking and sparkling like diamonds, I realised I’d found what I’d been looking for all along.

Peas with your Sole ~ A Pilgrim’s Lunch

Children of the world ~ thy grace is in our keeping

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Several years ago I was at the hospital with my daughter, whilst waiting for my Grandson to go to the operating theatre.  I soft focused my eyes and looked around me and observed the handful of other children also waiting to go and have their surgery and what I witnessed, I believe, was a sensitive revelation.  I saw how the parents of these children were all quite naturally concerned and anxious and sat drumming their fingers and tapping their feet, their minds pre-occupied with worry.  Then I looked at the faces of the little children, alight with a glow and contentment as they played with the toys about them and with one another as only children do, oblivious to the trauma  they were about to undergo.  And I noticed all around these children there were tiny fractions of bright twinkling lights, interacting and at other times quite still and I tuned it to these sensitive vibrational frequencies of light forms.  These tiny pin pricks of radiant lights were indeed each child’s Guardian Angel surrounding the child with love and protection and at some subtle level of awareness, which we as adults are often unaccustomed, these little children were experiencing the calm and reassurance from these elevated life forms, and continued to play happily despite the difficulties they were all about to face.

I felt so blessed to be apart of this revelation and felt a teaching was being given to me, that I’d like to pass on to you here.  We have lost our faith, sadly.  Nations of people all over the world.  We lean too heavily on the material and those things around us that we can ‘see, feel, touch and smell’ to the detriment of our true self.   These ropes of security which we have held on to for so long are lessening now as we move further and further away from the indoctrinations that have always governed and controlled the order of life,  as we see for ourselves, they hold no guarantee of happiness, peace, contentment or salvation.  More and more people are choosing to question the old and outmoded.  There is a shift of consciousness resurging throughout our planet which more and more people are being awakened to.  Liken it to a wave that is rushing to every shore throughout the entire world.  This wave of energy is interacting with every human being on our planet, transferring vitality and exuberance and information.  Reconnecting us to our cellular memory of that vast ocean of cosmic intelligence  and spiritual harmonics and LOVE of which we ALL ARE without exception.

The ‘Child is Father of the Man’.  We can learn much by observing the grace and trust of these little evolved souls as they come through us for guardianship.  I delight in the blessings of each one of them ♥

Peas with your Sole ~ A Pilgrim’s Lunch

‘The Freedom of any people can be judged by the volume of their laughter’

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I find myself at times, falling in to old habits of cynical thinking.  It’s easy to revert back to ways which are comfortable, that no longer test us very much.  Yesterday was a classic example of how something will come along out of the blue, land in your lap and push a few buttons here and there.  It’s moments like this that life is calling us to revaluate, check our tolerance meter and listen intently to the small voice appealing above the noise that inner frustration makes when it appears that it’s somebody else’s fault.

Laughter helps a lot.  It really is true, that when we share a joke or laugh along with someone else, everything that seemed to be a problem, washes away from us.  I’d like to share a little story with you that reinforces this idea that old patterns of thinking will just keep arising until we notice it and challenge it and then sometimes even life itself will dole out something that will teach us a little lesson or two.

Yesterday I found myself waiting in a queue to buy a book, I say ‘found’ because I was in the process of deciding whether to buy it when I was ushered pretty forcefully down the aisle to the checkout, by a group of extremely gregarious older ladies. My instinct was to shout at them and pop in a couple of expletives to jolt them out of their joviality.  Clearly they had no social awareness whatsoever, oblivious to the looks they were getting and just the sheer level of hyperactivity I could see was annoying some of the staff.  I was dug in the ribs at least twice by a Harvey Nichols carrier bag.  A puff of perfume landed in my hair as one of the ladies aimed and missed her lapel.  Well, that was it!  With a good gulp of inhaled breath I was ready to launch in to a worded assault upon her but I didn’t, because when seeing the book I was holding, this lady suddenly took it from me and had a look on her face I couldn’t read at first.  Within a couple of seconds a hushed mood came upon the women and as you can imagine all eyes were on us.  “This is about the afterlife isn’t it”? she said in a shaky voice. “Oh now don’t go getting upset again Sheila”, another woman interjected. A third woman grabbed hold of my arm, turned me, quite forcefully I have to say, I certainly could feel her fingernails through my faux fur.  I noticed her well made up face, thick with leichner makeup that was all the rage in the 80’s. She spoke with a nice regional accent.  “She’s just lost her pussy, a gorgeous old tabby she had for twenty years and it’s broken her heart, do you think cats have soul’s darlin”?

The store manager tugged on my other arm and whispered to me if I would mind moving to the area at the side of the tills and then quite seriously asked me whether I could read fortunes and did I have a business card.

After a couple of minutes sharing my thoughts about the existence of the soul and the eternal bonds of love which tie us to our loved ones including our animals, I left the store and as I did I noticed a lovely halo of light above the women.  I was reminded in the quiet of my mind how every moment is an opportunity to awaken to something greater within us,  to participate in the serendipity of life’s marvellous adventure.   Adversity isn’t often seen as a gift, and sometimes it is years later when we realize what the circumstances we faced had taught us.  Laughter is our greatest ally. Being able to step away from seriousness and find the sublime in situations which take us away from our centre.

I clutched the bit of paper in my pocket with the store manager’s name on it and smiled. A psychic reading will come in quite handy in my present circumstances, I thought.

Peas with your Sole ~ A Pilgrim’s Lunch

Yesterday whilst walking in the woods, a preoccupation of immense enjoyment which I’m often compelled to do, mainly for pleasure but also to disengage from material life.  I contemplated in my usual serious sort of way, the mysteries of life, wondering what I might say on the subject if I were to come across  a wizard on my walk.  A wizard let’s say from the 14th century, whom politely asked me what my thoughts were on the subject.  Before becoming embroiled in the matter of how there could be wizard in the woods next to my house, let’s consider something for a moment.  Wizards were ordinary folk engaging in solitary life. They were practitioners of herbal medicine, like Shamans on a shamanic journey today, their practices involved rituals and lore with an emotional and spiritual component.  Some things remain unchanged today for example religion still exists and people are still being persecuted for it.  People clung on then as they do today, to their faith and the mortal world around them, in order to seek a stable and enduring bond between whichever scripture they read and daily life.  There was certainly a great deal to worry about then, arguably some would say there still is.  There’s been countless wars since the 14th century and outbreaks of horrible diseases, starvation, depravation and whatever other ‘ation’ which impacted on the faces of the world’s peoples.  But what of the Mystery? What of the powerful and controversial and intelligent discourses which have occupied scientist’s minds for aeons? What about human transformation and extraordinary experiences in spiritual or contemplative dimensions?  Moments of ordinary life, punctuated by moments of visionary and transformative encounters?
  Throughout the ages, ordinary people have had extraordinary experiences and have visualised in dreams and in waking life, what was thought to be the incomprehensible and the impossible, resulting in incredible feats of ingenuity, prowess and invention.  In a world toiled by governmental powers of dominance, people had and still have a need to contemplate.  To some, the ever increasing interconnected world represents the impersonal and their loss of personal identity.
This is, perhaps, what I’d talk about to the wizard in the woods, should he care to ask for my opinion.  The aspect concerning perceived loss of freedom.  I say ‘perceived’ because in reality that’s all it is, a perception or notion of something which is identified as being ‘out there’ and not ‘in here or within’ as Non-Duality would define as not two or no separation but ‘One Eternal Spirit in existence’.  But of course the Wizard would have difficulty in conceiving of the idea that anything can exist outside of the self anyway and he’d laugh a loud belly guffaw which would  have the creatures of the woods scuttling off to their homes of comfort beneath piles of leafy litter.  “How can something exist which is not of the self”? He’d ask in genuine surprise, stopping at his hut concealed by large broad leaved trees.  “Surely all that exists is right here” he’d say pointing to his front door and then to his chest, the place where his heart is.
I’d smile and turn on my heals thinking about the incomprehensible idea, that to him, no other reality existed.  So immersed in the here and now, in his world of boundless and inexhaustible perfection.  So supremely and divinely liberating it is when one is able to comprehend with an inner-knowing that all of life is inherently creative and is always manifesting all the forms of experience we encounter.
I wonder if life would change if everyone believed that we were all united and joined as a whole. I wonder if leaders would put down their alms and pick up each man, woman and child and attempt to create a better place for our children alive now and in the future. It’s wonderful what a short walk in the woods can do for you, perhaps next time I bump in to a wizard, I’ll ask him where he buys his shoes.