Feel free to make contact to discuss how we may be able to assist you with making an appointment in Camden, Macarthur region of Sydney or online via telehealth.

Opening Hours

By Appointment

Our large range of Services are tailored to meet your individual needs

Accessible and affordable services in Sydney

Accessibility and affordability are 2 key issues we address through the provision of our psychological and counselling services at Talkingminds (Camden, Sydney and online via telehealth).

Clients referred via a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan or Psychiatrist’s referral may be eligible for up to 10 sessions of therapy per year where a Medicare rebate applies.

Talkingminds primary therapist, Trudy Wilson is available for consultation in Camden, Sydney and via telehealth.  Talkingminds is networked with other clinicians located across Sydney and we may be able to refer on if Trudy is not personally able to assist.

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Answers to the most frequently asked questions

It’s important to ask questions before entering therapy or counselling. Good therapists will be open to hearing and answering these questions. We’ve detailed some of the common questions we’ve been asked along the way and hope these may be of help to you.

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Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Gundungurra, Dharawal and Dharug peoples as the traditional custodians of the  land that we work on and gather today, that forms part of the place we now call Camden.

We pay our respects to the wisdom of Elders, past, present and emerging. We recognise the Gundungurra, Dharawal and Dharug peoples profound connection to Country and role in caring for and maintaining Country over thousands of years.

We are committed to advancing our understanding of the impacts of intergenerational trauma and stand in support of First Nations peoples in their endeavours.