
I am a professional software developer, photographer and all round gadget geek.

Software Developer

Almost 20 years designing, developing and delivering bespoke software for specialised environments from concept through all phases to delivery and sign off.

I have designed and delivered software systems for:
  • Payroll
  • Property investment
  • Pharmacy drug interaction management
  • Hospital patient information management
  • Pathology result delivery
  • Secure information management
and many others.

Business Analyst

Being able to deal with clients, project managers and developers with any degree of experience allows me to work at any level of a project, big picture to fine detail. My communication skills are excellent, both verbal and documented.

Health I.T.

Having extensive experience in the health I.T. arena, including HL7 and PIT messaging standards, many hospital departmental systems such as PAS, Theatre, Emergency, LAB and Public Health.

Working with these systems has provided me with a wide range of knowledge across both public and private health environments.

Web Designer

I enjoy the design and creation of new and innovative websites, I can provide services to small through medium businesses or individuals who want to get their own customised, professional websites up and running.


I have more than 25 years experience shooting many varied subjects. Photography is a true passion for me and I am both energetic and fun to work with.