× Warning! It looks like you are using Internet Explorer 10.
Are you aware that Microsoft is phasing out all support of Internet Explorer and now recommends using Microsoft Edge? For best results and usability Register Now recommends upgrading or changing your browser to Microsoft Edge or any of the latest versions of the below browsers.
For a faster, safer browser experience we recommend using the latest version of:
Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox | Apple Safari | Microsoft Edge
× Warning! It looks like you are using Internet Explorer 11.
Are you aware that Microsoft is phasing out all support of Internet Explorer and now recommends using Microsoft Edge? For best results and usability Register Now recommends upgrading or changing your browser to Microsoft Edge or any of the latest versions of the below browsers.
For a faster, safer browser experience we recommend using the latest version of:
Google Chrome | Mozilla Firefox | Apple Safari | Microsoft Edge

Registrations are closed

Registrations are now closed. We will accept nominations at the event, a $20.00 late fee will apply.


Goldfields Motorcycle Club




Ken Marshall Complex

Registration closes on:

Saturday, 13 October 2012 at 12:00 AM - (GMT+08:00) Perth

This event is open to all members of Goldfields Motorcycle Club
Proof of membership will be required at sign on.
All riders wishing to compete in this event are required to supply a volunteer, no exceptions, flaggie and helper roster will be filled on race day. Should all positions not be filled, a random draw will occur to fill remaining positions.