Alamo Title Company
Alamo Title Company
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Alamo Title Company

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National Rate Calculator – Title Insurance rate quotes only

(Lenders and other customers obtaining quotes for Loan Estimates and/or Good Faith Estimates must not use the link below). Online quotes are not available for IA, IL, IN, KS, MO and OK.

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Residential Title & Settlement rate quotes

Click here for Residential Title & Settlement rate quotes
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Alamo Title is built on a rock solid foundation – we have an established, successful history of writing title policies since 1922.

Our goal is to continue to raise the level of service to our core title agents and their customers. Just one of the ways Alamo Title continues to grow and succeed.

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About Us

The predecessor to Alamo Title Insurance, Alamo Abstract and Title Company, was formed in 1922 in San Antonio, Texas. Since that time, Alamo Title has prospered, weathering fluctuations in the economy while enjoying sustained, consistent growth and profitability.

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Alamot Title Company ATI Agents

We are a proud company, comprised of dedicated and talented individuals who have the desire and knowledge to succeed. The heart of our company is over 220 dedicated agents providing quality service throughout Texas and New Mexico. Alamo Title Insurance has earned its place in industry history, a position of distinction and respect.

Our industry has undergone great changes and the use of "ratings" has become a necessity for acceptability and marketability. Alamo far exceeds the minimum acceptable ratings required by the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA).