Another year passed. Another year of resolutions and new goals

Is it just me or are the weeks just flying by? I’m losing track of dates and days and suddenly it’s nearly February. Where is all the time going?! It’s been such a long time since I posted that I should probably give a quick update on what has or probably hasn’t been happening.

In November last year, I had a stall with my lovely friend at the ANZA Bazaar. It was months of planning, designing and spending weekends sourcing all the bits we needed for our stall. The day arrived and I was nervous and excited… I was ready to sell out of all my goodies. Unfortunately it wasn’t really the run away success I was hoping for. I didn’t make as much as I hoped, nor did I sell a lot, and I started feeling all dejected about the amount of money and time I had spent on it. Having said that, overall it was a good day in the sense I met some lovely people and had some fantastic comments and I did sell some things. It was just nice to get out of the house and do something for me. But I realised that making and selling product is NOT my thing. I’d rather leave that up to someone else and just sell my design work. I did manage to get a couple of fabric orders of my designs which was really nice. BUT, despite my attention to detail, I realised I made an oversight and had one design printed in the WRONG colourway for one order. Argh! What a very bad mistake. The only way to rectify this was to have it reprinted for free. So there went my profit. Clearly, I am not good at doing this business stuff and should just stick to designing. So my new goal this year; just focus on being a better designer and illustrator.

So I’ve decided to focus on designing for A Fresh Bunch at the moment. It offers real opportunities to get my work out there and there is a lot of potential if I stick with it, and keep designing, even if not all the briefs are to my strengths. I have an opportunity for SURTEX, which is really exciting and involves lots of challenging work. The second is still wanting to do the surface pattern designing. I still want to focus on building some design collections; I just don’t seem to have my head in the right place to pull together collections at the moment. I know it will come when the inspiration is there.

Phew! On top of all that is the soon to be fact we are moving back to Melbourne. I’m excited, but also nervous. I guess change will do that to you. Despite finding things difficult here in Jakarta at times, I will certainly miss quite a few things; people are so friendly and helpful here, amazing friends I have met, the ability to have help at home which has allowed me the time to design.

Oh yeah, two beautiful daughters are very much keeping me busy and tiring me out. Who thought a three year-old could be such hard work!


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Here’s some wall art I did through A Fresh Bunch for a framing company showing at one of the trade shows in Las Vegas. Fingers crossed it went well 🙂

Till next time.

Still here, still designing, but at a glacial pace.

I find my creativity comes in waves. Some days I’m really into a design and there aren’t enough hours in the day to keep working on a particular design. Other days, I feel tired, a bit de-motivated by the other awesome work out there and I don’t feel like doing much designing, or feel it’s just not up to scratch.

I think the hardest thing for me, is still finding my ‘style’. I see some really great work out there, which really inspires you to try out different styles and techniques, but I haven’t quite nailed my style.

I haven’t really had much of an opportunity to work on any personal designs. My aim was to produce a collection each month, so I’ve managed to keep up with that so far, but I really need to start building a new collection to get done by this month. I’m also planning on having a stall at the Christmas bazaar here in November, so I really want to have some designs ready to print and hopefully sell.

In between all that, A Fresh Bunch has been keeping me quite busy with their assignments… I’ve been keen to jump in and participate, as I know this is going to be the best way to get some work out there at the moment.

Anyway, hope to post up some new work soon. In the meantime, I really need some sleep!

My review of Module 3: Monetising Your Designs from The Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design



I thought I should take some time out between designing and kids to blog about my experience of Module 3 of the Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design. I know when I was thinking about enrolling, I too was searching for reviews of the course to know whether it was worth my time and money.

I enrolled during a busy time; I already had a 4 month old baby (as well as a 2 year-old) and we were about to move to Jakarta… so I wasn’t sure if it was the best time to be doing an online course. I decided to jump straight in, seeing as the next Module 3 wouldn’t be until 2015… a bit too long for me to wait.

I’m glad I enrolled when I did, because even though there were lots of things happening in my life, I still found some downtime, during naps or in the evening to read through the course notes. And there is plenty of time after the course finishes to catch up. So you can essentially work at your own pace.

I jumped straight into Module 3, since I have a graphic design background and I know my way around Illustrator and Photoshop. I already have some patterns under my belt, but I just didn’t know how to get my work out there.

Firstly… the course was definitely worth my time and money. I am so glad I decided to do it when I did, because now I feel I have some direction for the rest of the year. Each week, the course covers a different topic. There are blog posts daily (except on Sundays, I think), exercises, loads of information and templates to download, as well as live briefs. I didn’t get to complete all the exercises in class, but they are there to work on in your own time. I tried to focus on the live briefs instead. They were quite challenging, as for many of us, we have a certain style and market we like to design for. I was stoked my nursery collection for Mitas & Co made it into the Top 7 designs, with some really positive feedback.

I found the selling (licencing and selling outright) part of the course most useful as that’s the avenue I want to pursue, rather than manufacturing my own products. There was some interesting information on trade shows, but again, it wasn’t so relevant to me as I’m not quite there yet. But it’s good to have on file, if I decide I’m ready for it (Surtext is on my dream list in the next 5 years!). There is also a competitions page on course website, so lots of us were also entering these – I was fortunate that two of my designs made it into the Top 15 and Top 10 of the To Dry For and Digital Fabrics competition.

You can also ask Rachael any questions you may have on a weekly basis and she is very generous with her responses. And the Facebook page is wonderful. It’s so great to connect with other like-minded designers to talk about all things pattern and a private space to share your work and get feedback.

I highly recommend the course – if you are umming and ahhhing about it… just jump in and go for it. You might be like me and have your hands full with kids, or are working full-time, or have lots of other commitments on the go, but if you don’t do it now, then when? A great quote I read somewhere said ‘A year from now, you’d have wished you started today’. I definitely feel that resonates with me, as I wish I’d gotten into my pattern designing before kids when I had more ‘free time’.

What I’ve taken away from the course is a plan moving forward. Before I was just creating random designs and didn’t have much direction. Since doing the course, it’s become clear that I really need to do the groundwork and focus on my folio and developing my style. I want to put together quite a few collections I’m happy with before approaching manufacturers or companies who may be interested in my work. Wish me luck!


And so it ends… ABSPD Module 3 complete

Whew! Wow, it’s been a very busy 5 weeks since I first started the Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design Module 3 course.

Firstly, I moved countries. As comfy as I was being back in Melbourne, of course we had to be uprooted again to Jakarta for another year. At least this time, it’s not my first experience of the city and I didn’t have to deal with the whole culture shock, language barrier (I know a few phrases to get by now), new foods, environment and nobody I know. But of course, I couldn’t escape getting sick. In fact the whole family fell victim to this nasty bug and we were all out of action for the better part of a week. I’m only just now feeling almost 100%.

But all that aside, I still carried on and tried to do as much of the ABSPD course as I could. It was definitely well-worth the investment and now I feel I have the tools to continue pursing my surface pattern design aspirations. I have written down a few business goals and goals to reach by the end of this year, or the end of my time in Jakarta, so I’m hoping I can see it all through.

Each week covers a new topic and there are plenty of resources (including material from the previous modules), as well as fun creative exercises and live briefs to get stuck into. I’ve just completed one and about to start on the second live brief due in a month’s time. There’s a lot of information, so I found myself reading what felt relevant to me right now and saving the content for things that would be useful for me down the track (i.e. trade shows). I didn’t get to do all the creative exercises as the course ran; I found myself having limited time to actually ‘design’ with two little kids to look after. The Facebook group is amazing and it has been great to connect with other designers as well as share your work privately. I am tempted to take on Module 4 later this year, but will cross that bridge when it’s time to decide.

There were a couple of competitions I entered while the course ran, which I only found out through the course and one of my designs ‘Off to the zoo’ (below) made it to the Top 15 for the ToDryFor competition. I was pretty surprised as I knocked this up in a couple of days.

Although I have quite a few things on my list of things to do… my main focus this year will be on solely designing. After doing this course, I’ve realised I really need to invest the time in developing some great collections to hopefully sell!






Taking the plunge; ABSPD Module 3: Monetising Your Designs


I’ve been thinking about taking The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design course for a little while now. I literally waited until the night before to register thinking there is no time like the present to just take the plunge and do it. Even though I thought it might be useful to do the previous modules 1 + 2, I think Module 3: Monetising Your Designs stood out as being the one I was most interested in.

I know I still need to work on my collection of work, which will just take some time, but I really have no idea how to get my work out there and for it to be sold / licensed somehow. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE  to one day have my designs purchased and see it instore somewhere. So that’s what I’m aiming towards and I’m hoping this course will give me the lots of insight on how to go about doing this.

Today is day one and I’ve read through the material and connected on the Facebook page with some other lovely classmates, so I do feel really positive that taking this in a step in the right direction. Shall keep you updated on the progress.



I’ve been itching to get back into designing lately. I really want to get out my sketch book and paints and start drawing/painting again. Alas, being a full time mum to two little ones leaves very little time for creative work. I know I’ll eventually get more time to work on my creative aspirations as they get a little older… there are plenty of inspiring creative mums out there juggling both.

But, I’m so very excited to have been selected from 297 designers to be one of 100 designers featured in the next edition of UPPERCASE Magazine. It’s motivated me to keep chugging along with what I love doing! The magazine comes out in early April and I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy… I really didn’t think I would get selected!

For anyone out there who’d love to subscribe to this awesome magazine, simply visit the subscription page and use the discount code ‘USPDG2014’ to get $15 off a subscription. Hurry this fab offer ends April 30.

You can visit the UPPERCASE Magazine website for more on the next edition, including a cool video with Top 10 tips on how to stand out in surface pattern design.

These are the images I submitted, so I’m keen to see which ones were chosen.

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A blog entry from a tired mum…

It’s not even 10pm and I’m yawning and feel as though I could drop off at any minute.

Again, it’s been a long time between blog posts, so I thought I should write something before I just never get around to it and before my daughter wakes up. This post isn’t so much about designing, as there hasn’t been much lately. I’m just too tired at night-times and my daughter’s nap-time in the afternoon has turned into my rest and recharge nap too. I have resigned to the fact that I probably won’t get to focus on my design work for a little while longer… it will have to take a back seat for the moment.

I’ve been back in Melbourne for 2 months now. The first month was great. There was so much to do and people to see. Not that that has changed at all, but my energy levels have dropped to 50% or less. I’m so tired ALL the time. This is what happens when you are pregnant with your second (and in the third trimester), have a toddler at home with you full-time and a partner who is working overseas. It’s exhausting! Thankfully, I do have family around, so I’m not doing this alone, but I’m mostly doing everything myself. Motherhood is by far the toughest thing I have ever done. Imagine if I had to juggle working as well! So what gets done is only the basics; cooking, washing, minimal housework. My focus at this point is to keep my growing girl busy. No longer content with staying at home, if we don’t go out outdoors or for a play date to tire her out, she gets all stir crazy and bored. So as much as I’d love to relax and watch a DVD/read a book, especially on those chilly days, I’m out pushing the pram down to the local park, library, market or whatever else I can find, sometimes twice a day so she gets tired and will sleep better. Anyway, I’m sure life will be much busier and more tiring once the second comes along.

I know I did say not much designing has been going on, BUT, I did manage to work on this pattern recently ‘Spring Fling’. It may be the last for a little while…




Half the year already gone?!

My winning pattern for Repeat(ed) Challenge 4.

My winning pattern for Repeat(ed) Challenge 4.

So it’s already July. Where has the year gone? I have to admit, I am hopeless at this blog updating stuff. I quite like reading other people’s blogs, but when it comes to my own, I just seem to never get around to it. Maybe I don’t think my life is that interesting enough to publish to the world wide web.

Well I am about to leave Indonesia (again!) and head back home to Melbourne. Mixed feelings about returning home, but hopefully it will be nice to be back around family and friends. The constant heat is getting to me, being in Jakarta, that I’m desperate for some cooler weather. But I’m sure once I’m in frosty Melbourne, I’ll be yearning for some warmer weather. The grass is always greener, isn’t that what they always say.

There has been a little bit of designing going on. Not as much as I had set out to do since the start of the year, but the Printed Bold Repeat(ed) Competition has been keeping me on my toes. I was so lucky to have my patterns in the last round selected as the winner. It made my day, especially as Amy Butler was guest judge and had such positive things to say. I just finished the final challenge – designing a pattern collection. This was really hard. I felt like I was losing energy and focus to get it done. There was a couple I just wasn’t sure about, but I ran out of time. So we’ll see the results in a weeks time! I think the other fab designers will do a stellar job, so I’m not expecting to win. I think making it to the Top 3 was an achievement enough and I know I did my best. But, I do need to brush up my skills on working on some collections 🙂

Hoping for a brighter second half of the year! Till then. x

Just A Hop, Skip & A Jump


Well it’s been an eventful couple of weeks. First organising my daughter’s first birthday. I had searched and found all these cutesy, wonderful things I could make to create a beautiful birthday event. But I didn’t have an enormous budget or time…so no, I didn’t get around to ordering and decorating the bamboo cutlery, retro paper straws and glass bottles. I didn’t even end up having balloons. My attempt at baking a cake was a bit of a disaster, so I resorted to making lots of mini cup-cakes in the shape of a number 1 (but I don’t think people on the day realised that!!). I was madly shopping, cooking and baking, up until the last moment, but it was such a wonderful day! I had a great time with family and friends… it was so relaxed and didn’t need all those fancy add-ons (although would have been nice… perhaps for her second birthday)?

Then moving back to Jakarta. I was filled with a little dread. I wasn’t sure how I felt coming back, when I found it challenging and sometimes not that enjoyable. But armed with lots of supplies; yarn, paints, and a mission to create patterns non-stop, I felt a little more optimistic. Since arriving it’s been much easier. I know what to expect. I know some basic Indonesian to get by (although people are nonetheless helpful regardless of your language skills) and there’s a few activities to keep daughter & I busy. I am excited by the prospect of focusing solely on my pattern work and hope when I return to Melbourne, I have a decent portfolio of work.

And finally I can reveal my design for the Printed Bolt. I won’t re-hash the info again; you can find it here:



Matcha Maddness!

For the past week or so I’ve been Googling Matcha Powder frequently. It’s a Japanese green tea powder that is used for not just tea, but also in cooking. I heard about it when I borrowed a cupcake baking book and it had a delicious green tea cupcake recipe! I wanted to try it straight away, but where was I to get this elusive matcha powder? I searched in the local Asian supermarket. Green tea bags aplenty, but no matcha powder. I then realised instead of searching high and low, I could just buy some online and have it delivered to my door ready to use.

Not only do I want to make the cupcakes, but also green tea ice-cream. I LOVE green tea ice-cream. Hazelnut is my favourite ice-cream flavour, but green tea comes a close second. It’s refreshing and not too sweet. I will post some pics once I’ve made the various green tea goodies.

On another note, my stationery submission to Hardie Grant was not successful. While it is a competition with countless people entering, it is a bit disappointing, seeing as I was really happy with my entry. I was hoping to at least make the short list. Anyway need to keep the motivation up, but sometimes I can second guess myself… maybe a little too often then I should.

Here’s a pic of the green tea ice-cream. Delicious! So much so I made a new batch immediately after I finished the first!
