Welcome to The ClearMindWay

Our purpose is to support the awakening of as many people as possible, so that together we can build and sustain peaceful and just communities. The processes we share with you on this website are simple. They require some effort on your part, but an effort that can open up a new world for you.

My experience is that we can characterise our growth towards awakening as a five stage process:


Foundation Our life, parents, family and experience shape our view of our self, consciously and unconsciously.

Building We become aware of the suffering that the created view of our self brings us, and we look for ways to minimise  or end the suffering.

Developing - We have glimpses of awakening, discovery and freedom. Glimpses of our Self.  Those glimpses are interrupted by the ongoing experience of the smaller self and the daily requirements of “life in the real world”. We expand our capacity for self enquiry.

Deliberately Developing We expand the glimpse of our Self to become a larger and more sustainable experience of life and consciousness.

Embodying Awakening  – Our life experience is one of the Self, where our connection to our created self is more peaceful and often not needed. We are free to live and serve, living in this life and attending to the world we are truly part of.

The ClearMind approach starts here

Many of us get stuck in and sometimes feel overwhelmed in the Building stage. The “Ghosts in the machine”, our unconscious drivers, manipulate our view of who we are and our experience of the world. ClearMind Kinesiology is a series of simple processes that allow you to come to “Conscious Discovery” of the subconscious and energy field blocks that stand in the way of your optimum health; physically, chemically, emotionally and energetically. It is also a series of simple processes to assist you in removing those blocks.  


Learn more about us and our approach.

Book a Session

My intention in the one on one sessions, group sessions and all that we do on this platform is to help you discover what is at work within you and on the path to awakening that you are on. It does not have to be difficult. You have what it takes to live a life of purpose and inner peace.


One-on-One Sessions

Group Sessions

“Everyone has the ability to hear what they really need to keep developing. Ian's skill is to make sure you stop and listen. The cut through he achieves to simplify and thus shine some light on truth is an awesome gift and one that I really value.”

— Darren. Sydney



We don’t do this to receive payment from you, the sessions, information and activities offered on this site are our offering to you. But in order to keep this going, please make a donation of whatever is possible and appropriate for you, so that another person or other people may benefit.

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