United States of America Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients and Their Official Citations — Highland House II

The "Bible" of the Congressional Medal of Honor...

Every citation, every statistic, alphabetized for quick easy reference. If there's ever a question, refer to this book for the answer first. The only complete, up to date compilation in existence, used by the government as a daily tool.

A beautiful hardcover bound book you will be proud to own and display. Now in its latest edition, this unique book provides gripping reading for both the novice and collector.

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Hard cover:
1,320 pages
Highland House II, Inc.

United States of America's Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients and their Citations is on my desk at all times and is the first source of information I use to confirm that an individual is a legitimate recipient of the Medal of Honor. It is an outstanding book, thoroughly accurate, that should be read by everyone.

Thomas A. Cottone, Jr.
Special Agent, FBI,
National Case Agent for the investigation pertaining to the illegal use, sale and manufacture of the Congressional Medal of Honor

United States of America Congressional Medal of Honor Recipients and Their Official Citations — Highland House II

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