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Create a Feature Wall with Blinds

Last Updated Sep 14, 2018 · Written by Jaclyn Fitzgerald · 3 min read

Feature walls can really provide a lift to any room but if you are looking for something different to the standard painted feature wall, why not consider creating a feature wall using blinds?  Here are some excellent ideas.

Why Use Blinds for a Feature Wall?

Blinds are a great option for creating a feature wall for a number of reasons.  Firstly, blinds are really easy to install, and they can be taken down again quite easily. This makes them a versatile solution.  You can also easily patch any holes that may be left by the brackets, making them suited for even renters.  Blinds are also great camouflage for walls that are dinted, dingy, or just plain ugly.  On the other hand, if you have a gorgeous paint effect or colour, blinds can be used to really set it off!

How to Create a Feature Wall with Blinds

It might seem like a zany idea to try and create a feature wall using blinds but it can actually look terrific if done properly!  Of course, one common idea is that you can use the blinds over windows and extend the blinds so that the wall on either side of the windows is covered as well, creating a “wall of blinds”.  However there is so much more you can do.  You can actually install blinds over the whole of your plain wall, bringing a whole new world of textural and visual interest.  You can also hang blinds over part of the wall, giving the illusion that windows are in the room. This is great for windowless areas or areas that only have small windows.

Of course, once you have chosen and installed your blinds, you have flexibility of how you can use them as well.  You can have the blinds fully closed, partially open or fully open to show some of the wall behind.  You can also raise the blinds to different heights to create different looks depending on your mood or what you are trying to create.

Types of Blinds That Can Be Used for Feature Walls

The good news is that you have a range of choices when it comes to creating a feature wall with blinds so you are not limited to just one style.  Some brilliant options include:
You also have a choice of materials in the above blinds.  Common blind materials include timber, PVC, aluminium, bamboo and fabric.

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