
Autism Yesterday and Today is 501c non-profit foundation that gathers funds to provide computers and technology for special needs classes in our public schools.  


The purpose of Autism Yesterday and Today (501c non-profit foundation) is to gather funds so that we can provide computers and technology for special needs classes in our public schools. As parents of an autistic child, we noticed throughout our…


We firmly believe in the support of our community. Your donations will help us bring more technology for special needs classes in our public schools. We appreciate your support to improve the classrooms of our students.

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La fuente de mi inspiración

Escribo y escribo y siempre me doy cuenta que Dios está conmigo, muchas veces he llorado y reído, me he caído pero igualmente me he levantado y he proseguido en el camino, la vida es hermosa y no me importa…