

Public Sector challenges are complex, playing it too safe is unsafe

If you have the courage to try, we have the courage to help. When it’s urgent, unusual, or in disrepair it’s a problem. Almost certainly the pathway from where you are to where you need to be is ill-defined and ambiguous.This is not the province of the traditional solution provider. Detailed plans, defined methodologies, and large teams are more likely to be part of your problem than your answer. You need manoeuvrability, adaptability, expertise, and speed. The problem space is our space – not the technology. IT, logistics, infrastructure – it doesn’t matter. The common denominator is complexity.

We are not for everyone. If you want a stable life delivering a process, perhaps with lots of activity and a big team – there are plenty of options. It’s not that you don’t need us, it won’t work because our people only come to work to make a difference – every day.

We are beyond being a gamble. We have delivered too much, too often, and too well. We are the epitome of managed risk. The safe choice when being too safe is unsafe. If past approaches haven’t worked, it might be time to try something new.

Talk to us about what we have done, and what we might do for you.

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Our latest insights

Building a competitive Australian Advisory Industry

A suite of proposed policy measures to break the stranglehold of the Big Four consulting companies on the public service and foster the growth of an internationally competitive Australian advisory industry.

Rapid, Relevant, and Real: Practical eLearning

There is too much theory and not enough practicality. We need to flip the script on eLearning to get an impact. Learn more.

Learn just one thing from the private sector…

We often talk about needing more commercial acumen in the public sector. There are commercial skills needed, but commercial acumen is as much about attitude and a way of thinking. It doesn’t come naturally to the public service. This is what we tackle in our Commercial Acumen for the Public Sector program, through immersive, experiential learning,

Crisis communications capitulation – the sad story of PwC

They call it the three M’s of crisis communications – managing the situation, maintaining trust, and minimising potential damage. For all the failures of the PwC tax avoidance scandal, and there are plenty, its crisis communications response, or lack of, is pretty lacklustre too.

Buying an SME – it’s different

Too often ‘Big’ is associated with good, but smaller companies often have specialist and tailored expertise, and are less reliant on scale, a methodology and a slide deck. Small also tend to be more focussed on their client than their bottom line. Founders want to build businesses because they feel they can deliver better outcomes at a better price, and because they are invested in the client outcomes.

Building a competitive Australian Advisory Industry

A suite of proposed policy measures to break the stranglehold of the Big Four consulting companies on the public service and foster the growth of an internationally competitive Australian advisory industry.

Artwork that puts everything in context

The role of the public service isn’t to be safe; it’s to keep Australians safe. That ought to be built into the design of every process and policy and its implementation. Read this powerful story.

We give you the leverage to move the world.

Your people, your consultants and contractors balanced, aligned and supported from the inside out – by a Kiah Team with expertise built around your problem – delivering a sustainable legacy.

Executable strategies, well executed through alignment and engagement.

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Don’t be caught playing it too safe

If past approaches haven’t worked, it might be time to try something new. Talk to us about what we have done, and what we might do for you.

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Unlike the musketeers, not everyone is for us and we’re not for everyone. But it might not be what you think! Be open to opportunity, we have many paths to explore.

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