ChordSmith screenshot

Download ChordSmith

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ChordSmith Installer (Java jar file)
ChordSmith Zip File

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Source Code for the Chord Program

A modified version of the open source Chord program executable is included with the above ChordSmith download. ChordSmith can pass a song file to the Chord program via ChordSmith's File>Send to Chord4 menu item. Chord allows you to see how your song will look with all its chordpro directives in effect. Chord will preview or print your song with the chordpro formatting including chord grids, multiple columns, multiple pages. Chord can also print a songbook from a list of your songs.

Chord is open source and is released under the GNU GPL license. Because of that and because I have made minor modifications to it so that it will work with ChordSmith, I must make the modified program source available for anyone who may want to inspect or modify it themselves. The source is not needed to run Chord with ChordSmith, but if you want the source code and the license, you can obtain them here:

The original Chord project code (without my modifications) is at