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Inside The Terrifying IMF Hack: Who The Hackers Were And What They Took

As if the fact that the International Monetary Fund was hacked in a "very major breach" isn't terrifying enough, Bloomberg now speculates that the hackers were from a foreign government.


Someone familiar with the matter told Bloomberg that the IMF was "attacked by hackers believed to be connected to a foreign government."

Now to help with the investigation, "the FBI is working this with IMF," the spokeswoman, Lieutenant Colonel April Cunningham of the Air Force told Reuters.

mugshot dsk
Reuters via Daily Mail

What they took: e-mails and other documents, according to the same someone familiar with the matter.

When they took it: Before Dominique Strauss-Khan, the former IMF chief, was arrested for rape.


How it happened: The IMF is not releasing any details nor are they commenting on the extent of the attack other than to say that the fund is fully functional. However, reading into a memo sent to employees after the attack, we suspect that it might have happened via "phishing" (hackers trying to get access to your password and username) or after an employee clicked on a link or video sent to their email.

The IMF's Chief Information Officer Jonathan Palmer sent an email to employees with the subject, "Important Notice: Virus Attacks," on June 8th.

Bloomberg got the memo and says it says: Be on [your] guard. [A] computer at the fund was “compromised."

"Last week we detected some suspicious file transfers, and the subsequent investigation established that a Fund desktop computer had been compromised and used to access some Fund systems...At this point, we have no reason to believe that any personal information was sought for fraud purposes.”


“Staff are strongly requested NOT TO OPEN emails and video links without authenticating the source..."

In an email sent on June 9th, Palmer warned employees about "increased phishing activity."

Also important: Anonymous, the most well-known hacker group, tweeted on June 1st (which is after DSK was arrested for alleged rape): 

#OperationGreece: Target: | More info :: #Anonymous


Huffpo has some background:

The IMF, currently in negotiations to help stabilize Greece's suffering economy, recently approved a $40 billion dollar loan as a part of a $140 billion bailout package.

Anonymous released a missive on May 25 condemning the Greek Government and the IMF for accepting the loan without letting citizens vote on the agreement, and for subjecting the people of the country to "prolonged poverty and a dramatic decrease in their standards of living."

"The people of Greece have been left with no other option than to take to the streets in a peaceful revolution against the economic tyrants that are the IMF," Anonymous wrote.


AND NOW Anonymous is calling for Fed Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to step down -->


Click here to see the fabulous life of Dominique Strauss-Khan (before he was arrested) > 

Read more about the hack >

Click here to see what the maid claims DSK did to her >

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