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Decontamination shower

Decontamination Showers

Attguard 3-stage Decontamination Shower Units are a convenient 3-in1 solution for all your asbestos and hazardous dust removal and chemical applications. This is the perfect solution to the variety of harmful dust found in the mining industry. The showers also work to remove chemical spills on shin and clothes.

Negative air unit

Negative Air Unit

The solution to clean air in the workspace is the Bowman’s Negative Air Unit.
It is essential equipment to remove hazardous dust particles and keep the air healthy.

It is fitted with a large HEPA filter that complies with AS4260:1997 and is 99.99% efficient at 0.3 microns.

Mobile decontamination shower

Mobile Decontamination Showers

A versatile, self-contained, easy to transport Mobile Decontamination Shower Unit fitted on a custom trailer to take off-site, wherever you need decontamination from hazardous products. It comes fitted with a tank of 125 litres or larger. We are happy to customise the fitting to respond to your needs.

AttGuard manufactures the industry-proven BOWMAN equipment and decontamination showers. They are designed to remove Asbestos and Hazardous Dust for a healthy workplace.

When air quality and containment of Asbestos and Hazardous Dust is an issue,  AttGuard offers the solution and keeps it healthy.

We ship worldwide

We have exported our equipment to New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and even Singapore.


Our systems are used in the construction, demolition, rectification and mining industries, where harmful dust and particles are present.


Our decontamination equipment is ideal for cleansing asbestos and chemicals off clothes and skin, and removing all sorts of hazardous dust.

Contact us for a free quote

Let’s see our we can help you in the removal of asbestos and hazardous dust, so your employees stay safe and healthy.

0435 070 537
61+ 435 070 537