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The test we offer:

Chest X-ray Cost $40
This x-ray looks at your heart and lungs. It can screen for lung diseases which included COAD (chronic obstructive airways disease), TB (tuberculosis) and cancers.
The size of the heart is observed and can indicate heart disease.

Spine X-ray

Types: Cervical spine (neck) $60
  Thoracic spine (chest) $60
  Lumbar-sacral spine (lower back) $60



The vertebral spine can be x-rayed from the neck to the lower back. Curvature and scolioses are noticed. Disc narrowing may be seen and be responsible for neck, or back pain. Osteoarthritis or osteoporosis may be seen.

Abdominal X-ray Cost $40
The contents of the abdomen may be viewed, especially in the bowel.

IVP (Intravenous Pyelograms) $120
This x-ray needs special preparation. It shows the outline of the kidney and urinary tracts and is particularly useful for looking at kidney stones.

OPG (dental x-ray) $40
One of these should be taken before visiting the dentist. This x-ray shows caries and helps the dentist decide how to treat you.

Mammogram Cost $50
Women over the age of 50 should have a mammogram every2 years, to help screen for breast cancer. You should also perform self examination.

Bone density screenings Cost $50
Woman over 50 should also have this test done. Click here for further information about this screening for osteoporosis.

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