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Rainwater Tanks

Rainwater tanks are real boon to mankind.

It is a dual blessing for nature and man as it works to the benefit of both.

In a time where we have to preserve every possible resource, rainwater tanks do just that. Before considering the size and type of these tanks, let's find out how they work.

Rainfall is collected in water bodies and absorbed by the surface, even with all the development we have made, mankind still depends on rainfall to replenish water supply ever year. Rain fall is erratic - sometimes it is excessive and sometimes extremely scanty. To make sure we can retain as much of the rainwater, harvesting it has added importance.

Rainwater tanks play a vital in role in rainwater harvesting. A special system is installed in the house depending on a number of factors. When rain falls, special catchment areas of the roof retain the water. This water is then transported to the rainwater tanks installed above the ground or below through special gutters installed around the roof area. This water is collected in the water tank through special pipes and is stored for use around the house.

Water collected in these tanks can be used for multiple purposes. You can top up your swimming pool, wash your car and clothes, use it to flush toilets. It is perfect for your garden; you can actually develop your very own garden irrigation system with a suitable filtration system.

Keep a few things in minds while choosing you water tank

• Amount of rainfall received in your region
• Number of people in the house
• The budget and the amount of money required for overall maintenance
• Area needed to install the tanks
• Special permission and added council requirements
• Catchment area on the roof and gutter system in place.


Slimline water tanks

Are a great way to save water when you have limited space. these ultra slim designs are great for narrow areas between your house and fence.


Under House Bladder tanks

Eco Sac & Reo Sac are a great way to harvest water when you have very little space. These bladder tanks are great for under houses and decks.


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Northern Rivers Rainwater Tanks Pty Ltd
1300 913 033