Thursday, January 20, 2011

DAY 2 - Niseko

What a day.

We managed to get to breakfast for 0730hrs.  Kitted up and hit the lift for 0830.  I was extemely nervous; Steve was Mr "She'll be right"

7 hours and 30 minutes later I can report that skiing is not like riding a bike, but haveing not skied for 15 years i was very suprised at how easy it came back to me.

We had a great day - extremely cold in the morning with heavy snow, and sunny in the afternoon.

*Very* tired now.  Hit the Onsen after a couple of beers and now waiting to go for dinner.

Den skiing:

Steve skiing the way Den wants to ski:

Den getting prepared:

Steve near the summit:

Youtei Mountain shot from the peak:

1 comment:

  1. Damn man - nice work! Double black diamond runs tomorrow?

    The slopes seem to have a distinct lack of people on them.
