Monday, January 24, 2011

DAY 6 - Niseko - La Trek

Had breakfast at Mark's joint - good value and nice food.

We hit the slopes for 0830hrs and went straight to the peak to ski powder.  I was trying to remember everything Mark and Steve had taught me, but when you are flying down black run, can't see your skis, lumps of powder everywhere, the first thing you want to do when you miss the turn is to sit back in the skis, which in turn makes you go faster! you calm down, lean into the ski and push the ski up to reduce speed, then plant the pole,. push down on the ski and make the turn - easy...not...

We skied the powder until 1130hrs and had an early lunch.  We then made a group decision to go over the peak to ski the back bowls, which are outside of the ski area, and are not patrolled or sweeped.

The trek to the back bowls was exhausting. We took the top lift, then trekked up an incline approximately 100metres, in ski boots, carrying skis and poles.  I can't describe the sensation of sweating when it's -20C...maybe try it yourselves by sitting in your freezer drawer with a hot water bottle in your lap...maybe.

The panorama was amazing.  We could see Mt Yotei and The Sea of Japan. Then I saw the area we were skiing.  I know the kids are going to read this so I won't use the words I would like to...superlative would be an understatement.  I was pleased that I was wearing 3 layers...the drop offs were amazing. Skiing off piste is hard and harsh.  Mark has some video footage, so we will have to wait.

It took 2 hours to ski the bowls and to ski out.  Again, we were exhausted.

We traversed back to the groomed runs, with Steve and I leaving the mountain for 1530hrs.  It's amazing how easy a groomed run is after skiing through knee deep powder. The turns are nice and clean, with a sweeping arc, nice pole plants and taken at speed.

The only issue I have now is that Niseko is ruining my skiing anywhere else.   I now find a groomed red run with a 10cm snow cover boring...

Lots of photos and movies for today.  Persevere through them as they tell a great story.

Steve posing with Mt Yotei in the background:

Den posing with Mt Yotei in the background:

Mark and Steve before the hike up to the top:

Den after the hike to the peak:

Den and Steve at the Peak after the hike to the summit:

Now the videos! I know you have all been waiting for this...

Den doing powder - need more speed!!!:

Ok - the guy is one of the best skiers on the mountain, but he has some of the best timed wipe outs, which seem to only occur when the video is filming him.  Steve and I couldn't stop laughing when we watched this one over a hot chocolate.   MP was not amused....So here we go; Mark skiing powder:

And then the excuse...maybe I should give Mark some pointers...

Mark after the wipe out:

Mark skiing powder:

Den "skiing" powder:

Powder Mark:

Powder Den:

Powder Steve:

Chopper Den:

Panorama - wind is blowing a bit:

This is taken at the Peak after the hike.  Be understanding of the photographer who was tired after the climb:

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