Stat Descriptions are how horses compare to one another naturally, and it determines how fast and well they can gain in specific areas, it also playes a large role on its offspring (as well as breed and conditioned stats). All horses are born with 90% of their natural potential. Here is the order from worse to best in which the descriptions represent :

2)Below Average
3) Average
4) Fair
5) Fairly Good
6) Good
(the next ones have a smaller marginal difference)
7) Very Good
8) Extremely Good
9) Supurb
10) Fantastic
11) Extraordinary
12) Amazing
13) Phenomenal
14) Inconceivable

1) heavy footed
2) normal
3) fairly light stepper
4) light stepper
5) extravagant mover
6) lavish Dancer
7) flamboyant
8) superfluous
9) fabulously gaited