The 2020-2025 USP Board of Trustees

USP’s Board of Trustees is comprised of highly regarded leaders from the healthcare, science, patient advocacy, and global health community who share a deep commitment to public health and a belief that access to a supply of quality medicines is fundamental for people everywhere. Together, members of the Board serve as stewards of the organization, advising on strategy, providing fiduciary oversight, and helping to safeguard USP’s trusted reputation among stakeholders. Their diverse experiences, expertise, and knowledge help advance USP’s mission.

Much of the Board’s work is conducted through committees – Executive, Finance, Audit, and Governance– that consider relevant matters and bring updates and recommendations to the full Board for discussion and decisions at quarterly meetings.

Elected by the membership of the USP Convention during the Membership Governance Meeting held every five years, the Board operates according to its Rules of Business Practice for the 2020-2025 cycle with support from Board Secretary, Anthony Lakavage and USP staff.

If you are interested in learning more about the USP Board of Trustees, please contact