Total Business Success can help you get dramatic and measurable results through…

  • Designing direct response websites that sell

Sadly a lot of websites designed today will fail.  They will fail to properly market your business, they will fail to integrate in with your existing marketing and sales efforts, they will fail to give you any meaningful information as to who can find your site and who is visiting it and which of those visitors have gone from being prospects to being customers.  But the one thing above all that is a certainty is that they will fail to make you money.

Our approach to designing your site is completely different as we believe in the  the old saying which goes “fail to plan, plan to fail”.  Firstly we’ll sit down with you and work out exactly what it is you want to achieve from your website, then we’ll run through our 27 point “Your Business and the Internet” check list which will allows us to pinpoint exactly the market that you are targeting,  and then and only then, will we work through the design of your site step by step whilst keeping you in the loop at all times.

As we all know one size doesn’t fit all, so we’ll tailor an affordable package that is unique for your needs and works within your budget.

Ready to get started or just need to need know more, then why not book a Free no hassles, no obligation “Your Business and the Internet” review (valued at $197.00)?
Websites that sell

  • Getting targeted visitors to your website

“Build it and they will come” – If only it was as easy as that to get targeted visitors coming to your website day in day out.   But in the real world for your website to be a success and become a profit centre for your business  you really need traffic and not just any traffic, you need traffic that delivers people to your site, the kind of people that need or want your products and services.

There are so many ways to drive traffic to your site both paid and free and like everything on the internet it’s an ever changing playing field, however the one thing that doesn’t change is that free traffic is driven by content, that is having great relevant content on your site and plenty of it.  Then we come down to the ‘scientific’ part of it, which starts with the research of which  keywords or phrases you use to target your visitors and which of these are the most relevant to what you are offering and which of these have the least amount of competition.

Before you spend one single cent on paid search engine marketing or for someone to ‘optimise’ your existing website or for any sort of online directory advertising , you really need to know exactly what you will achieve by doing so and ensure that you are protected from nasty surprises, such as finding out you’ve blown your whole month’s Google campaign budget in a day because you or the ‘expert’ chose the wrong option when setting up your campaign!

To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, we’ll gladly sit down with you and work through what is the most effective in terms of  your investment and expected results and then go about putting everything together with you, and most importantly having systems in place to track everything, so you know exactly what’s going on at all times.

Ready to get started or just need to need know more, then why not book a Free no hassles, no obligation “Your Business and the Internet” review (valued at $197.00)?

  • Providing reliable and affordable  website hosting

Your website is your ‘shop window’ on the always open world wide web and the last thing you need is for visitors to find your shop ‘closed’.  This is why we’ve put together a solid, reliable and importantly affordable hosting service backed by a team of always available experts who ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible.

To make it easy to get you started, we’ve set up three ready to pick feature packed plans which include all the options you need to get your business on the web with as little hassles as possible and to make it easy on your budget, we have a variety of payment options.  If you have specific requirements, then by all means let us know and we’ll gladly assist where we can.

Ready to get started or just need to need know more, then why not book a Free no hassles, no obligation “Your Business and the Internet” review (valued at $197.00). You can also check out all the plans by visiting our dedicated hosting site at

  • Designing and customising web based business software

One of the biggest advantages of having a web based solution is that users don’t need anything to install on their PC other than a browser.   Whether your users are in your office and on your network or whether you need to provide outside access to your customers or suppliers or to your employees when they are out an about  or maybe you’ve got a great idea for a web based application that you could turn into a money spinner, it doesn’t matter we can help you.

We’ve put together a team of experienced business consultants and programmers, who will listen to what you want and then design a web based solution unique to you.  We can design a system, which will allow you to do what you do best and not have to worry about who, what and when to do it.

If you’ve also got an existing web based business application that you need modified, let us know and we’ll advise you of all the options available to you.

Ready to get started or just need to need know more, then why not book a Free no hassles, no obligation “Your Business and the Internet” review (valued at $197.00)?

  • Profit enhancing and business building technology consulting services

When you come aboard as a client, we learn as much as we can about your business and how it ticks.  We’ll sit down with you and your team and find out exactly what you want your system to do, what budget you have to work with.  Then and only then will we recommend a solution that we all believe is the best for you and your business.

Effective business managers must  be able to plan ahead, be able to test various strategies for improved profits and cash flow and be given access to all relevant available data to make better decisions.  They must also have in place effective controls mechanisms to ensure their business remains on track.  Total Business Success is able to share with you the techniques that it has observed and developed with many of our successful clients, which will allow you to bring together the elements of an effective information system.

Ready to get started or just need to need know more, then why not book a Free no hassles, no obligation “Your Business and the Internet” review (valued at $197.00)?

  • A qualified and experienced team whose aim is to help you fulfil your business needs

Sure, we deal in technology.  But we are also business people.  Any consultant that comes out to discuss any of your needs has both a business and technology background.

When you’re looking for the right solution the last thing you need is to get a “geek” in, who’s only concerned about imparting his technical knowledge and not listening to what you need.

This won’t happen when you deal with us, our business has been built on putting people first and the technology second.

We know that no matter how great the technology is, if people don’t understand it they won’t use it, so before we recommend anything we make sure that you and your team understand everything that’s involved.

As part of the Direct Response Website Marketing Group with associates in more than 9 countries and in every state of Australia, no matter where you are when you need help we’ll be there.

Ready to get started or just need to need know more, then why not book a Free no hassles, no obligation “Your Business and the Internet” review (valued at $197.00)?
Websites that sell have an experienced team

…all literally 100% guaranteed.