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About Us


Systems Engineering Australia Pty Ltd (SEA) is a specialty consulting company which undertakes numerical modelling and risk assessment in the coastal, ocean, wind and environmental engineering fields. The company was founded in 1996 by Dr Harper using methodologies based on his extensive experience in undertaking sophisticated numerical and statistical studies of environmental phenomena. Extensive software systems have been developed over this period of time which address specific elements such as statistical analysis of tropical cyclone (hurricane or typhoon) data, wind and wave field modelling, storm surge modelling (hydrodynamic and parametric), thunderstorm downburst, hail and tornadoes. Probabilistic models are built using deterministic components and involve climatological data assessment and extreme value analysis. Over this period the primary application of these models has been for the establishing of engineering design criteria for coastal and ocean facilities such as ports, harbours and offshore oil and gas processing. In recent years the emphasis has been on models for the insurance industry for the purpose of catastrophe loss estimation.

Systems Engineering Australia represents some 40 years experience in developing sophisticated numerical and statistical models. All have been extensively applied in engineering design throughout Australia. The models and methodologies used represent a number of unique approaches and aim to utilize state of the art physical knowledge, underpinned by empirical relationships where required, and with strong calibration and verification support. The special combination of wind engineering, coastal/ocean engineering, meteorology and statistical and numerical modelling means that Systems Engineering Australia can offer a very broad technical base.


Systems Engineering Australia Pty Ltd is pleased to work on specific elements of a development, as part of a larger project team, as an independent reviewer, as a specific project manager, or even to assemble a larger team. A close working relationship exists with the Bureau of Meteorology in Australia, with links to colleagues in the US NOAA/AOML Hurricane Research Division and the National Hurricane Center. Dr Harper also has extensive contacts within the wind engineering fraternity and the insurance industry both locally and internationally. A close collaboration also exists with the James Cook University Cyclone Testing Station in Townsville and the Australian Maritime College Marine Modelling Unit (ex JCU) in Launceston, Tasmania.
