Before you download your bonus....
we have an amazing offer for you.

Dear Success Seeker,

          Right now, you’re probably sitting there wondering how you can achieve some of your biggest goals in life.

          Maybe you tried goal setting, visualization, affirmations or even “positive thinking” in the past... but those did not work for you. Maybe you are sick and tired of spending money on one seminar or course after another... each promising to change your life for the better.

          Each time you learn one of these new methods, you may be motivated and enthusiastic for a few days. But after the novelty fades away, you find yourself falling back into old habits and ways... still surrounded by the same problems. Sounds familiar?

          Or you may be wondering:  

          Why do these methods always seem to work for someone else but not me?

         Why do some people achieve their goals with little effort... while I struggle to even make some progress?

          How can I achieve my goals in life... when my basic financial or daily needs are not even met?

          I don’t know about you... but most people just get tired of all this endless “seeking” after a while so...

They Give Up And Resign Themselves

To A Life Of Mediocrity!

          How many times have you stopped yourself from wanting something big... just because you were afraid you wouldn’t get it?

          How many times have you heard someone say, “This is good enough for me. I shouldn’t ask for too much.”

          Or perhaps someone you know has settled for average or below average results in life. They are tired of asking and not receiving... so to avoid any disappointment, they simply stopped asking altogether.

          After a while, most people simply learn to deal with their problems in life instead of solving them. They learn to deal with their financial debt, poor relationships, poor self-esteem, anger, worry or guilt.

          But here’s the truth: When you merely deal with a problem...

It Still Exists In Your Life!

          You’re just pretending that it is gone.

          That’s why so many self-help and personal development programs on the market do not work. Most of them focus on “positive thinking”, asking you to act as if the problem is gone... when in fact... the underlying causes and issues are still there.

          Unless you find a way to resolve these underlying issues...


You Will Continue To Get Unwanted Results In Life!

          Let me explain. Suppose you’re trying to get rid of a bad habit. You have tried everything from visualization to affirmations, even consciously reminding yourself not to engage in this destructive behavior.

          And yet... while you consciously know the habit is bad for you... you keep doing it. Somehow, an urge just keeps creeping back into your consciousness.

          Or suppose you are trying to create more prosperity in life. Consciously, you may be thinking prosperous and abundant thoughts. But when you shift your conscious attention away... worrying thoughts about money start creeping back in and before long, you’re caught in the same old patterns as before.

Here’s a little thought experiment you can try:

Think back to a time when you achieved one of your goals. It doesn’t have to be something big or important, but just think back to a time where something you hoped for actually came true.


          Now think back to another time when you failed to achieve your goal. Chances are, you’ve tried every way possible to make this goal materialize... maybe you’re still struggling on it right now... but the results are not showing.


What’s The Difference?

          What’s the difference between the case where you actually achieved your goal... and the case you didn’t?

          For the goal you achieved... did you use more willpower?Did you work a lot harder than the goal you did NOT achieve? I’m willing to bet that the opposite is true. You probably spent a lot more time and effort figuring out how to make the second goal come true than the first one.

          Contrary to popular belief, achieving our goals and creating positive results in life have little to do with our willpower or persistence. Instead, the key lies in...  

Understanding How We Create Our Future!

          Whether you know it or not, we’re all unconsciously creating our own future. But if the results in life are not what you want... then you have to learn how to create them differently. It all starts with understanding how we make certain things happen... and fail to make others happen.

          Most people leave conscious creation to chance. They never spend any time or effort finding out how they create the results in their lives. They just live by default without any knowledge of the process... in turn leaving their finances, relationships, health or well being to chance!

But your life is too important to be left to chance.

Why Leave YourFuture To Chance

... When You Can Create It?

          Right now at this very moment, there are people living happy, fulfilled lives around the world because they know how to make things happen by removing the underlying blocks.

          You, too, can be one of them.

          I’m Brad Greentree. Over the past 16 years, I have been a trainer and I have studied and been trained personally with Drs. Tad and Adriana James. If you have been in the NLP industry for any length of time, you’ll know that the Tad James Company is the largest NLP training company in the world – certifying more master trainers in NLP and training more practitioners than any other trainer on this subject.

          But Dr. Tad James’ biggest contribution to the field of NLP is actually a curious technique known as...

Time Line Therapy™

          Discovered more than 20 years ago by Dr. Tad James, the basis of Time Line Therapy™ is that we all have a certain way of representing events internally.

          Inside each and every one of us is a “time line” which we use to sort events... according to whether they happened in the past... or have yet to happen in the future.

          Through Dr. James’ pioneering work in this area, he developed a technique for...

Removing “Unwanted” Events From Our

Internal Time Line!

          Suppose a past event made you deeply hurt and angry. With Time Line Therapy™™, it is possible to go to the past and remove that event from your time line.

          Guess what happens after you do so?

          While you’ll still remember that event... it no longer affects you emotionally. You’re free from the negative beliefs or effects that event had on you. Considering that most of our limiting beliefs are formed when young, Time Line™ Therapy™ is particularly effective in addressing those unresolved issues.

          After we are free from our underlying issues, the 2nd part of Time Line Therapy™™ is about...

Programming Events Into Our Future!

          Once again, through a technique perfected by Dr. Tad James, an individual can also “program” desirable, future events into his time line... such that he creates a sense of expectancy and confidence for them before they even happen.

You Literally Walk Into The Future

You Have Programmed!

          If all this sounds difficult or technical to you... don’t worry.

          Over the past 20 years, the Tad James Company has trained hundreds of thousands of individuals around the world in Time Line Therapy™™ through its books and live seminars. This technique has been tweaked and improved upon numerous times, following live feedback from our seminar participants... so much so that it is possible to pick up the basics of Time Line Therapy™™ and use it yourself in one afternoon.

Introducing The Secret Of Creating Your Future ®

          The Secret of Creating Your Future is a course developed by Dr. Tad James that incorporates the latest in Time Line Therapy™. It is available in book, audio or live seminar format.

          No matter which mode you choose to learn this material in, the Secret of Creating Your Future teaches you just that --- how to create the future you want by literally programming it into your unconscious and making it happen.

          If this sounds impossible to you... it’s actually based on very solid science. First, we have already established that in order to achieve our goals, we need to remove any limiting beliefs contrary to our goals. The first part of Time Line Therapy™ helps you do just that by dealing with past issues.

          Next, you need to set up your goal such that it is believable for you. With the techniques taught in The Secret of Creating Your Future, you are actually implanting a highly effective suggestion in your unconscious mind for your goal to happen.

It’s Literally “Set It & Forget” Technology

For Your Mind!

          Now I’m not going to insult your intelligence by saying this takes “no work” at all. It does take some work. You need to spend time learning the techniques and going through the exercises. But if you take time to work this technique... you’ll find that it addresses many of the missing areas in other self-help techniques and programs.

          This is why the Tad James Company is currently the largest NLP training company in the world. Even established NLP practitioners, life coaches and hypnotherapists come to us to learn our cutting-edge techniques to apply them on their clients.

          The original Secret of Creating Your Future program on audiotapes was a sell-out success in 1994, with its infomercial hosted by actors James Brolin and Linda Gray who personally loved the work. In turn, this program was based on work done with the Council of Psychotherapy in Croatia, who asked to be trained by Dr. Tad James in Time Line Therapy™ so they could help war victims suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome.

          The Tad James Company has also conducted seminars on this material in the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia and Australia, on top of being featured in hundreds of local and international television programs since 1992.

          If this technique has allowed hundreds of thousands of people around the world to create their own future... then I’m willing to bet that you can do so too with...

The Secret of Creating Your Future Book

Just $19.00 including postage!

The Secret of Creating Your Future Book is the easiest way to get started. Written to be an easy read with 135 pages, this unconventional book applies the principles of NLP, hypnosis and Time Line Therapy™™ in an easy to understand way.

          Because it is written for the general audience, you don’t have to struggle with the technical aspects of NLP such as modalities or anchoring. Everything is done automatically for you in story form.

          Written by Drs. Tad and Adriana James in story form, this book is designed to be a captivating read that allows you to soak up these life-changing concepts and apply them to your life.

The 7 key principles behind creating your future – There are 7 things you MUST do, in the right order to create the results you want. Through the story of Milon & the Wizard, you’ll learn what these 7 steps are and how you can apply them in your life.
The 11-word “Basic Rule” that literally allows you to create your future as easily as drawing on a piece of paper (If you understand this principle, you’ll be able to understand why unwanted results keep cropping up in your life despite your best efforts.)Why some goals come true and manifest with seemingly little effort... while others do not happen despite our best effort (It all depends on whether this element is present.)

 The 5 aspects to leading a fulfilling life (Unless you set goals that take care of all these 5 aspects, you are unlikely to lead a well-rounded, balanced life.)

 The process of time line goal setting... where you set goals progressively into the future instead of lumping them together (This helps your mind to clarify and zoom in on each goal with laser focus.)

 The process to uncover limiting beliefs... even those that are well hidden beneath the surface (The written example within the book will show you how to uncover “attitudes” you have about various subjects, that may be preventing you from reaching your goals.)

 How to clear up unfinished business that may be sapping energy in your life and demanding your attention (Learn the 6 types of unfinished tasks that can actually distract you.)

 The 6th principle of creating your future that most self-help programs and books leave out (Hint: This is the principle of playing everything at ____)

 How to identify and recognize your internal time line (Different people perceive their time lines differently. Through this exercise, you’ll learn how to recognize the way you perceive your internal time line so you can rearrange it.)

 The basic principle of the Universe based on the latest discoveries confirmed by Quantum Physics

 What the popular, New ageLaw of Attraction is really about (It’s not about thinking positive thoughts, but rather about understanding the nature of reality and how we perceive reality.)

 How to get rid of negative emotions stemming from past events in your time line (This is a very simple, visualization technique that teaches you how to get rid of negative emotions... no matter how long they have been bothering you.)

 How to get rid of limiting decisions we have made in the past (If you have ever felt guilty or regretful after making a limiting decision, you can go back into the past and change it!)

 How to identify unconscious events in the past that are limiting you right now (You don’t need to have CONSCIOUS knowledge of which events are causing unwanted results in your life. Using this technique of Time Line Therapy™ built upon hypnosis, you can tap into your unconscious mind to tell you which events in the past need to be healed.)

 How to get rid of worry and anxiety about the FUTURE by altering your time line (If you have always worried about bad things that will happen in future, such as whether there will be enough money... Time Line Therapy™ can help you get rid of those limiting thoughts in an instant.)How to use Time Line Therapy™ for greater prosperity and abundance in life

How to use your time lineto discover your life purpose (NOTE: There are many analytical processes out there that claim to teach you how to discover your life purpose. But most require lots of deduction and circular reasoning. Using Time Line Therapy™, you can definitively determine what your purpose is.)

 And more!

Here’s More Proof That These Techniques Work!

          Over the years, thousands of students have attended our live Secret of Creating Your Future seminars. Some of them were skeptical when they first came in, but they went along with our processes anyway and were shocked to discover that change can be so easy.

          You see, even the belief that “change is painful & difficult” is a limiting belief we can work on!

   Read The Secret Of Creating Your Future® Book

For Only $19.95!

          I know you probably spent thousands of dollars trying to fix or improve your life in the past. If you have spent time, effort and money working on yourself but with little success... maybe the techniques taught in The Secret of Creating Your Future® can help.

The Secret of Creating your Future" rel="nofollow">Fill out my Wufoo form!</a>

          For a limited time only, this book is available for just $19.95 This book contains all the powerful concepts and lessons we have listed above, and is not just a “preview” or “teaser” book. You get ALL the techniques you need to apply Time Line Therapy™ on yourself, although it is recommended that you work with a coach for major emotional issues.

100%, No Questions Asked, Make-It-Happen Guarantee

          I don’t want to be making any empty promises here. This is why I personally guarantee that you WILL be able to make some of your biggest goals come true... and eliminate your limiting, negative beliefs that have plagued you in the past by applying the cutting-edge techniques in The Secret of Creating Your Future®. If this book does not change your life for the better in ANY way, just let us know and we’ll refund the $19.95 you paid.

          If these techniques don’t work for you... we don’t want your money!

But Hurry!

          This is an actual, hard copy print book you’ll be receiving. We have limited stock in our warehouse. Since this is the first time the Tad James Company is running a large-scale promotion over the Internet for the Secret of Creating Your Future... I cannot guarantee that we’ll have enough copies for everyone.

          If you miss the current batch, you’ll have to wait and put your future goals on hold while we print more copies. Please order now and have your copy shipped to you while it is still available.

How Long Are You Going To Put

Your Future On Hold?

          As I mentioned, your life is too important to be left to chance. How long more are you going to put those great goals and plans on hold? Can you even afford to... at the expense of your family or those who depend on you?

          We have deliberately updated and packaged The Secret Of Creating Your Future® in a very easy to apply, affordable book form to help you get started.

  Don’t put off creating your future any longer. Don’t be one of those who wish they could have done something more with their lives only at the end of it.

          Program your own success, and make it a certainty today.

To Your Success,

Brad Greentree
International NLP Trainer

Tad James Company


P.S – If you’re going to spend more than $19.95 this year on eating out or going to the movies... shouldn’t you at least invest the same amount in your future? Look, if the techniques do not work... you lose nothing.