Welcome to St. Catherine Labouré Catholic Church, Gymea

St. Catherine Labouré Catholic Parish is a welcoming, supportive, and faith-filled community of believers inspired by the life of Jesus Christ and emboldened by the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Catholic faith. We are called to make Christ present in our parish, in our local community, and in our world. We respect and uphold the dignity of all human life and strive to remain faithful to the intellectual richness of the teachings of Christ and His Catholic Church “in and out of season”.

Our Mission is to seek holiness in everything we do — to love, to know, and to give praise to God the Eternal Trinity. We desire to experience Christ’s mercy and to make this mercy known to others; to be a community committed to recognising Christ present in each person through our service to the wider community and in the joyful and reverent celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist — the “source and summit” of the Catholic faith.

2024 Men’s Retreat

In March this year, on the eve of Holy Week, we hosted our first Lenten retreat day for men with over 100 in attendance. We were blessed with several excellent talks, time for prayer, and their was a great fraternal atmosphere. It was particularly moving that there were so many men going to confession at the conclusion of the day. We are all very grateful to the hard work of those who organised this and look forward to our next retreat in Lent 2025 with over 100 in attendance. We were blessed with several excellent talks, time for prayer, and their was a great fraternal atmosphere. It was particularly moving that there were so many men going to confession at the conclusion of the day. We are all very grateful to the hard work of those who organised this and look forward to our next retreat in Lent 2025.

For a list of all the men’s events at our parish click here!

Our Vision

A series of excerpts from Fr Greg’s Vote of Thanks at the Inaugural Parish Dinner, 2022. (Mr & Mrs Abdallah were the guests of honour).

Tonight, is all about the future — our future. I was appointed the fifth Parish Priest of St Catherine Labouré, Gymea, in August of last year; arriving to find a closed Church in the midst of a Covid “lockdown”. Now, some fifteen months hence, what a true (grace-filled) joy it is, to stand before you, four hundred of my beloved parishioners — to celebrate our inaugural Parish Dinner together.

Tonight is all about moving forward. Our mission to evangelise and re-evangelise Gymea anew is only just getting started.

But Mr and Mrs Abdallah, it is the prophetic words of your son, Anthony, that give us the insight and the wisdom to turn that mission into a reality. When Our Lord asked Anthony, then only nine years old, in a dream “What do you want to become?”, Anthony replied: “I want to be a saint.” My fervent prayer tonight is that Anthony’s words will become the words of every person here tonight — whether we be young or old; priest or layman; lost or lonely; committed or curious. Catholicism is for all precisely because we are all called to be saints.

Saints are born from Truth and Mercy. And as I have said several times now, my vision for our parish in Gymea is where “mercy and truth meet together” and are never pulled apart. St Catherine’s must be a place where no matter who you are, no matter what you may have done, no matter how far you may have fallen away — Christ and His Church will always embrace you. The Sacrament of confession will always be available every day. For I know how lost I would be in life without Christ’s embrace in absolution.

However, there is no genuine experience of mercy and forgiveness unless it is founded upon the truth of who we are and the truth of who we are destined to become.

For too long, the truth of our faith – its intelligence, its beauty, and its genius — has been watered down. We have seen the disastrous catechetical effects of trying to separate the heart from the head; the pastoral from the intellectual; the ministry from the tradition.

For without a love for the truth, the heart will always be crippled by self-doubt. Without a love for truth, our pastoral activities will always be overwrought by insecurity. Without a love for the truth, our ministry will always be spiritually fleeting. And, so gradually, mercy itself become obsolete and our Church becomes doomed to cultural obsolescence.

However, in you, Danny and Leila, “mercy and truth [have met] together”. You have come to our parish community tonight as walking signs of the cross (walking crucifixes). In you, Danny and Leila, the power of the Catholic faith – its universality, its intelligence, and its timeless relevance — shines through in a way that no soul – no matter how hardened or bitter – has the power to resist. From the bottom of my heart and in union with the hearts of every person here tonight, I say thank you to God and thank you to you. You have brought the mission and the vision of this parish to life; illuminating for us “that in Christ crucified you can do everything”; and that, truly, we cannot live our lives apart from the Mass.

I love the Catholic Church more than anything in the world ­— it is the source of all my joy. I love the Catholic Church because I love God and (no matter what), Christ said this is His Church and it will always resurrect. I want to take this inaugural opportunity to thank God again for calling me to be a priest. I love being a priest — although, like any vocation, it is never easy – it is the greatest privilege to hold Christ in your hands, to be the minister of His mercy, in service of His people. But I would say the last year, as your Parish Priest (and as a philosophy lecturer), has been one of the happiest years of my life. So, to you the people of God of Gymea, thank you for having me; know I love you so much; and look forward to building up God’s kingdom with you in Gymea.

For further information please contact [email protected]


Saturday Vigil: 5 pm

Sundays: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, and 5 pm

Mondays: 9:15 am Mass only

Tuesdays: 8:30 am-9:10 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by the 9:15 am Mass
Wednesdays: 8:30 am-9:10 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by the 9:15 am Mass
Thursdays: 8:30 am-9:10 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament followed by the 9:15 am Mass
Fridays: 8:30 am-9:10 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction followed by the 9:15 am Mass
Saturdays: 8:30 am-9:10 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction followed by the 9:15 am Mass

Please Visit our Youtube Page and Facebook Page for further information.
GO TO YOUTUBE and type in St Catherine Labouré Gymea Mass or use the following link:


For Facebook – use the following link

then like the page, for immediate communications.

Confession will be available before and after every Weekday Mass (including Saturdays).
Please approach me if you wish to receive the Sacrament.
During the morning Adoration, I will be sitting at the front of the Church near the confessional.
On Saturdays, I will be in the confessional immediately following the morning 9:15 am Mass for as long as necessary and from 4:30 – 4:55 pm.

Parish Rosary Via Zoom: every Saturday Morning at 10 am

All are welcome to pray the Holy Rosary together each Saturday morning at 10 am.
This was started during the lockdown but a number of people have asked for this to continue.
Each rosary will be offered for various intentions. Please find the Zoom link/Phone number below.
Please contact the parish if you have any questions. Feel free to invite your friends and family to join us.

To join our parish rosary, either;
(1) call the phone number below and enter the meeting code; or
(2) copy and paste the following link below into your address bar above.
Note, you will need to have downloaded Zoom onto your computer for this link to work. (https://zoom.us/signup)

Topic: Parish Rosary: St Catherine’s Gymea
Time: Every Saturday at 10am: Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Password: 1234

Join from telephone (meeting ID: 694 7578 9620): (02) 8015 2088 (Sydney)
International numbers available: https://sydneycatholic.zoom.us/u/ecwj88Pys1

Join from Skype for Business (Lync):

Parish Credit Card Forms for Planned Giving
(download, fill in, scan and email back or post) & New Envelope Contributors……

A message from the Archdiocese of Sydney

The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney upholds the dignity and rights of all children and is committed to ensuring their safety.
We recognise each child as a gift from God, and we value and encourage the participation of children
in all activities that enhance their spiritual, physical, emotional,
intellectual and social development.

Child sexual abuse is a crime.
The appropriate people to deal with crimes are the police.
If you, or anyone you know, have been abused,
please contact the police.

Alternatively, you can contact the

Safeguarding and Ministerial Integrity Office on (02) 9390 5810
or email at: [email protected].

You may also want to speak to your Parish Priest,
Father Dr. Greg Morgan (02 9525.1138) ([email protected])
who will be able to provide support and guidance.

The Archdiocese has a legal obligation to report crimes to the police.
