Stainless Steel Water Bottles are better than glass and aluminium


There are other water bottles (other than stainless steel that is).
But Stainless Steel Water Bottles have many advantages:

Aluminium is toxic - Stainless Steel Water Bottles are not

Glass is fragile - Stainless Steel Water Bottles are not

Aluminium Bottles normally have BPA plastic - Stainless Steel Water Bottles do not

Glass breaks and is dangerous (starts fires and cuts) Stainless Steel Water Bottles don't

Only stainless steel water bottles offer the advantages of being light, clean, strong and safe.

The lids on aluminium wattles often are difficult to remove - Stainless Steel Water Bottles lids are not (good quality bottles anyway)

Glass bottles are heavy and bulky even when empty - Stainless Steel Water Bottles are not
Stainless steel water bottles = SAFETY FIRST!

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Stainless Steel Water Bottles are the BOMB!