Rules and Regulations

Safe Sex
Condoms use is compulsory unless with your (outside our parties) partner. They are provided free of charge. Lube is also supplied.

Keeping the ladies happy
A safe, relaxed environment is paramount for every guest, especially the ladies. Party rules are strictly enforced. Feel free to ask if a lady or couple would like you to join but you must not touch unless invited. No means no. You must accept the decision. Spend your time chatting up someone else.

Persons found to be pestering or offering unwelcome attention will be immediately asked to leave. There is no warning or second chance.

All Open Rooms
The are open and closed rooms. You must not open or knock on closed doors to rooms

Booking and cancelling
If you book and cannot make it PLEASE let me know. We have popular parties because I work at getting the mix right.
Single guys - I always have more guys want to book than we need so I always have the unpleasant task advising many guys there are no more spaces available.
If you do have one of these spaces and are a "no show" without having the courtesy to let me know then do not bother asking to come along in the future. Unless you got run over by a truck on your way in which case a doctor's certificate will be fine.

Please use the bins provided in each room

No taking of photos. No mobile phones to be used inside.
Photos on this website were not taken at our parties.

Off Ya Face
Persons indulging in rude or uncivilised behaviour or under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be promptly shown the door.

Man Love
Unless a designated bi party, male bi activities only permitted in closed rooms

Exchanging Contact Details
For the continuing survival of our parties do not exchange contact details. Come back to a party to play again