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How is the real estate market fairing in Wagga?


investing – think with your head not your heart…

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When buying a home, a majority of your purchasing decision will be based on emotion and only a small portion on logic. Really this is very understandable, as your home is where you retreat from a hectic day at work, wake up every morning and even potentially raise a family. It’s your sanctuary.

When it comes to investing however, letting your heart dictate your buying decision is a common trap to be avoided at all costs.

You should always buy an investment based on analytical research. Allowing emotions to influence your investment decisions means you are more likely to over-capitalise on your purchase. Ask yourself:
– Is it in the best location to attract quality tenants?
– Will it appeal to the right market to sustain the property price in the long term?
– Will it provide the gains & returns you require?

At the end of the day, investing is all about the economics and return rather than the emotions. For the most up to date stats & figures on the Wagga Wagga market contact Gary Brown, our specialised Property Investment Consultant on 0401 831 771 or email him at